Chapter 25

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The sun is shining through your windows, beaming in your face waking you up. Normally when you wake you, you turn over and expect a kiss from Niall. He wasn't there. Strange? Niall would always give you your morning kisses.

"Niall?" You called with no answer. You heard the TV and automatically assumed that he was in the living room. "Nialler?" You crawled out of bed and walked to the living room. Niall sat there watching TV with a slightly angry face.

"Nialler, what's wrong?" You sat next to him getting no answer out of him. "Hello?" You waved a hand in his face and still no reaction. You kissed him on both his cheeks and lips with no answer.

"Are you okay?" You asked and still no response.

"Are you....mad....sad....hungry maybe?" You chuckled a tad and remembered to be serious. The only move Niall made was to pick up the remote and change the channel to a disaster movie. A part occurs when a shark eats on the actors. It was graphic enough to make a Niall smile on the inside. He's picturing James or Greg getting torn to pieces by a shark.

"Wanna go swimming or to Nando's?" Niall would usally freak over Nandos's.

"Cuddle?" You sat a bit desperately. "Niall, what's your deal?"

He didn't reply, he simply got up and went to the back where the ocean was a sat by the shore. The ocean water touched his feet and turned them into his blue tail. You don't know what is wrong with Niall but you'll give him his space. What's really on his mind is how he is going to get back at Greg and James.


It's another night where James and Greg were supposed to meet. James quickly ran to the docks and suddenly it was foggy.

"Greg?" James tried to wave the fog out of his face and saw thought the fog a tail sticking up out the water. James automatically assumed it was Greg. As he approached the end of the docks the fog had gotten thicker and thicker.

"Greg, can you stop the fog I can't see!" James stopped walking because he knew just by memory that he would be at the end of the docks. A dark silhouette stand there in the fog and it looks a bit smaller than usual.

"Have you lost weight, Greg?"

"I haven't but thank you. And my name's not Greg." An familiar voice came from the dark figure hidden in the fog. James heart starts beating fast as the figure stepped out of the smoke.

"N-N-NIALL?!?!" James whimpered.

"You weren't expecting me weren't you?" Niall gave James an evil look and the fog went away.

"Oh Niall!" James nervously laughed. "How have you been?" Niall kept a straight face. "Erm....enjoying the ocean? You and (Y/N) getting married-"

Niall opened a hand down at his side creating orb of water around James to contain and drown him.


"Niall?" You wake up out your sleep and find a note on the bed next to you. Your name was written on it. The letter was folded, you opened and read the note....

I was quiet all day because last night I found out Greg paid James to try and kill me so he could have the throne.

By the time you read this, they will be done and dealt with then we get to move on with our lives. I love you so much.

-Niall xoxo

"NIALL!!!" You quickly jumped out of bed, looking for something to wear. Niall is the most non-violent person ever. You have to stop him before it's too late. The first place you had in was the docks where Greg usually is. Luckly the docks were down the street from your house. You ran as quickly as you could to the docks where you found James hovered over water being held in a bubble of water drowning made by Niall.

"NIALL STOP IT!!!" You screamed at him. He turned his head and let James free causing him to fall in the water.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You ran ran to him.

"He tried to kill me-" Niall got grabbed from the back away from you. Niall and James wrestle and you pull James off Greg. Niall jumped back on Greg with his hands around his neck chocking him with his bare hands.

"Stop it, Niall!" You pulled him off James-

"What the fuck?!" Greg stood at the end the docks with a set of legs that he's grown himself after Niall.

"You!!" Niall growled.

"Easy there, Niall." Greg tried to soothe.

"You asshole! You paid Greg to kill me!" Niall snapped.

"I did." Greg nods. "My life was perfect before Niall brought you around."

"I'm your fucking brother! It was nervous my intention to ruin your life because people liked me more than you!" Niall justified.

"That's not the case. Everything has been about you and I should be king of the throne. Since your almost next in line, what other way would be better then just killing you." Greg said coldly.

"Your terrible, Greg Horan." Niall whispered.

"I know." Greg chuckled.

"YOU ASSHOLE!!!" Niall charged at James tackling him into the ocean going down under water.

"NIALL!!" You screamed running to the of the docs. Niall came up but Greg didn't.

"Where did he go?" You asked and he appeared a few feet away from Niall.

"You'll never catch me, Niall!" Greg flicked off Niall and quickly went underwater.

"Your not getting away with this!!!" Niall went underwater and began to chase after Greg.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now