Chapter 26

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Greg made a run for it, diving head first into the water getting himself lost where Niall couldn't find him. He'd always been a faster swimming than Niall and hoped that he won't get anywhere near him. Greg looked back and say Niall hot on his trail and picked up his pace. He looked away for a quick second and noticed Niall wasn't behind him any more. To make sure he was alone, he hid inside a cave until he felt like the coast was clear. Greg waited for a brief moment and swam out the small cave, sighing in relief.

"Just like I predicted. He couldn't catch me." Greg laughed.

"I'm right here." Niall swam at full speed tackling Greg into a coral reef breaking it into pieces. They hit the ocean floor so hard the sand beneath them went everywhere floating about in the water. Niall held his Greg by his neck pinning him to the ground.


"And?" Greg didn't seem to care, with an evil smirk on his face.


"Killing me won't do you any good would it? Think about it: If you killed me then you wouldn't be next in line for the throne, plus no one in the entire kingdom will want you as the next king." Greg explained.

Niall starting having second thoughts,"Your right."

"Exactly, so we should just move on with our lives after this. Yeah?" Greg suggested with no sympathy whatsoever.

"If killing you solve anything......then I bet beating the shit out of you will!" Niall quickly changed his mind balling up his fist. Greg widened his eyes and got punched right in the nose by Niall.


"Niall!!!" You scream into the water on your hand and knees, on the dock. "Niall, where are you?!?! Niall!!"

"He's probably dead." James said.

"Why Jason? Why did you even work with Greg?" You stood up.

"Because he was gonna pay me loads of gold just to get rid of Niall and little did I know, he was carrying something of yours." James explained skipping down the dock. "And I got away with it, thanks to mermaid inventions."

"What mermaid inventions?"

"This." I pulled out a small perfume bottle that was Queen Maura's. "This stuff is made up of kelp and coral that got rid my finger prints and everything else I touched. They don't have invisible cloaks so I just ran for it an no one caught me. And the case dropped so I've basically have gotten away with attempted murder."

"My baby died in Niall's body because of you! And he nearly died himself!" You became furious.

"I'm done talking to you. I'd rather just shut you up, Greg said he'll give me a bonus if I do."

"Not if I take you down first!" You snapped throwing James to the ground and mounting on top of him, punching him in the face repeatedly. James turned you over and held you by your neck choking you. You grabbed his wrists and got to the strength to take his hands off your neck. You pushed him off you, almost putting him in the water. His nose bleed and your neck is bruised.

"Fight me!" You yelled.

"Your not worth it. Excuse me while I go help Greg kill Niall." He announced pulling a necklace with a glowing blue gemstone out his shirt, that Queen Maura. Greg gave it the same ability as your neck that Maura gave you, having the ability to freely breathe and move underwater.

"Oh no you don't!" You dove in the water and James quickly swam away, pulling out a conch shell and blew it in. Suddenly, a shark appeared where he was, James held on to it. "See ya, (Y/N)!!" James took off underwater with the shark.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now