Chapter 16

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Niall woke up early spinning his new engagement ring around his finger. It's silver with a message inscribed in it that Niall reads over and over again. Queen Maura was gonna be happy for Niall, King Bob most likely, and Greg could probably care less about Niall or his engagement.

"How did I get so lucky?" Niall mumbled watching you sleep. It's still hard for him to fathom that someone outside his home would be the person that he'll soon spend the rest of his life with.

You turned over lazily snuggling your way to Niall's side. "Good morning, my fiancé, prince Niall."

"Good morning." Niall sang kissing your forehead. "I wanna tell my mum and dad....and Greg if he's willing to listen."

"I doubt that he will." You shrugged.

"I'm gonna go, I'll be right back." Niall climbed out of bed and went to the ocean. He dove in head first and swam to the deepest part of the ocean where the kingdom is.

"Mum!" Niall swam into the throne room.

"What is it dear?"

"Im engaged!" He held out his hand showing his ring. Maura gasped in amazement.

"Aww, my baby's getting married!" She becomes a tad bit emotional. She's happy that he's happy.

"Your getting married?" Greg scoffed.

"Yeah, see?" He held out his hand. "Looks like, I'll have the throne before you." Niall teased.

"Mum, is that even legal?!" Greg threw a small tantrum.

"That's something Bob and I will have discuss. After all, (Y/N) is a human."

"Exactly! He's human, he doesn't belong down here." Greg objected.

"Yeah but I'm gonna be king, (Y/N) belongs to me so he'll rule with me, therefore I'm gonna be the one running shit around here." Niall snapped with a smug grin on his face.

"Niall!" Maura gasped. That was the meanest she's ever heard him talk and Greg's eyes widened too.

"Well.....I see you've learned a thing or two from me." He's appalled yet shocked about how Niall came back at him.

"Well I'm happy for you deary. I'll tell Bob too."  Maura said.

"Okay, Mum!" He kissed her on the cheek. "Later peasant!" He directed towards Greg swimming his way out the kingdom, laughing out loud.

You slowly stepped your way into the water then suddenly Niall leaps out like a attacking shark tackling you down to the sand.

"Hey baby." He smiled.

"How did it go?" You wrapped your arms.

"She's happy for me." He ducked down for another kiss.

"That's good. I wanna take you out to an engagement dinner." You surpised him.

"Your so amazing. You spoil me more than my parents, even though they are king and queen." Niall furrowed a brow blushing.

"I'll do anything for my prince."

"That's good to know. I would love a late night swim, cuddles and stuff like that too. I'm not all materialistic."

"We can go out for a swim tonight. I just hope I don't bit my anything." You held onto Niall tighter.

"Did you forget I could talk to sea cratures?" Niall rolled off you lying next to you in the sand.

"I remember you calling the whale to knock over James boat." You recalled.

"Good times my love. Good times." Niall put his hands behind his head lying down in the sand.


Niall already made his way into the water while you put on your pair of swimming trunks. After you got dressed, you went to the water and walked towards Niall.

He held out his arms smiling wanting you to come to him. You swam into his arms, nuzzljng your face in his neck.

"My prince." You crooned holding onto him.

"My love." Niall said back fondly.

You kissed and he kissed back just as passionately. He ran his fingers through your hair while you kissed down his jawline neck then sucking on his neck like you did the first time you two kissed.

A moan comes from Niall, titling his head back. You kissed around Niall collarbones and chest. It's arousing you under your trunks and Niall on the other hand, his tail was starting to fade his v line down underneath his ass. You felt something hit your thigh.

"I think you aroused me." Niall breatehd heavily. You looked down at the water to see Niall's erection. It's something you've never seen before. Sex was a rare thing for merefolks because of their lower halfs.

"Let's see if you know how to use it." You wrapped your arms around Niall's neck, legs around his waist, and grabbed his member.

"This is new. Sex in the ocean." Niall said holding on to you. With his help he stuck himself inside you.

A loud moan escapes both of you. He thought back to the time he fucked you and started thrusting. You bounced up and down as he came upward thrusting hitting your spot. Niall held on to you tight breathing and whimpering in your ear. It's the best feeling in the world to Niall, it being the first time to have sex as a merman.

"Right there, Niall!" You encouraged in ecstasy. It's overwhelming for the both of you. Niall stomach started to turn and he felt himself release inside you for the first time. It took its toll on him wearing him out, he could barely keep you guys up in the middle of the water.

"Can you take us back to the shore?" You breathed. He nodded swimming back to the shore. You and Niall crawled onto the sand catching your breaths. He tail was still faded because he wanted more regardless of him hitting his peak.

"Can I see something?" You turn Niall on his stomach where his ass was still visible. Without warning, your spread his cheeks licking at his entrance. He gasped in surpised gripping into the sand.

He was as tight as you thought. You didn't want to prep him as you slowly stuck yourself in him.

"Fuck!" Niall screamed clutching his eyes shut. You laid down on his back fucking him in the sand.

"You like this my prince Niall?"

"That's King Niall to you!" He growled aggressively. He wanted more.

"Okay, King Niall. You asked for it." You roughly fucked Niall to the point where he's moaning and screaming his heart out. It went on for a few moments until you came inside Niall. You pulled out and collapsed next to him. You noticed that his v line and below his waist was turning back blue again.

"Can you carry me to bed?" Niall turned over on his back.

"Okay, my king." You nodded. Niall held out his arms so you could pick him up. You gently set him down on the bed and drying his tail until his legs grew back.

"Goodnight my king." You kissed his forehead as he drifted off to sleep. You stayed up and watching tv thinking about how lucky you were to find Niall.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें