Chapter 22

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*Niall POV*

I'm not one hundred percent over it yet. I've been slowly healing and it hurts to walk or swim. What have I done to deserve this? One of the best days of my life has turned one of the worst ever. I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally hurt from the event. I'm brusied up, I'm sad I lost my baby, and saddest of all, it was going to be a boy like I wanted at first. (Y/N)'s here to cheer up and it's working then I get sad all over again. 

He's taken me out for lunch at that Nando's place that I like on the surface. I know that we are in public and it's hard for me to pretend that I'm not sad. The restuarant was by the water to where you see te ocean where I'm looking out at. We ordered out food and we sat there in silence. (Y/N) was sad as well too. It would've been our first child together and that was what I wanted with him. Not any other guy. Just (Y/N).

"Nialler?" He reached over the table grabbing my head. 

"Yeah?" I mumbled looking at the ocean not looking at him.

"Please talk to me." 

"I don't have anything else to say." I admit to him. I look in the corner of my eye and I see gay couple with a baby of their own. He gurgled on its own and smiled at his parents. That sight honestly breaks my heart even more because they have what I don't. I started crying softly covering my face so (Y/N) couldn't see.

"They're so lucky." I whimpered wiping my eyes. (Y/N) looks like he's ready to cry. He sat on my side of the table and hugged me tight. I tried my hardest not to sob loudly to gather any attention. 

"I have to go back and tell my mum and dad." I said wiping my eyes.

"After we eat?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nod. Shortly the waitress came with our orders and I hope I'll be able to make it back underwater without hurting myself even more.


Walking on crutches his already a pain leaving the resturant. The next stop was the beach which happens to be a few block from our flat. I slowly walked in the water without my crutches until my tail grew. It doesn't hurt as much anymore so swimming miles underwater shouldn't be a problem.

"I'll be back." I kissed (Y/N).

"I love you."

"I love you more." I say crawling my way into the water and swam off. My tail ached a few times on the way down but I made it. Mum or Dad wasn't in the throne room so I figured they would be in the bed room. 

"Mum?" I swam in her room. Mum was freshening up looking in her mirror. She turned around and noticed the scar doing down my stomach.

"Niall, what happened?" She gasped.

"I got in an accident and I lost our baby. It was a boy." I said trying not to cry and I heard someone quickly swim pass the door after I said I lost my baby.

 "Oh dear!" Mum nearly cried. She quickly came to comfort me before I started crying myself.

"How did you get in this accident?" Mum asked.

"It all started when I was going to our wedding-"

"Greg, are you eavesdropping?" Mum cut me off.

"No." Greg snickered.

"Well stop doing that. Your younger brother has lost his baby." Mum told him.

"Oh my god!" Greg for the first time looked like he's caring for me.

"Anyways, I was picked up in a limo and the driver was taking me to where (Y/N) and I were gonna get married for his wedding. Then I blacked out because a car hit us and I woke up in the hospital and the doctor told me our baby died and that's how I got this scar on my stomach and around my body.

"Sucks to be you." Greg laughed and I absolutely lost it. I pinned him against the wall my arm against his throat.


"You should've." He said bluntly. I wanted to cry because he said that to me but I've started to become even more angry. I tackled him out the door and we swam through the water wrestling each other.

"Guards stop them!" My mum cried. The mermen dressed in silver armor pulled Greg and I are apart.

"Fuck you, Niall. I'm keeping someone wait fighting you." Greg broke free from the guards grip and swam out the kingdom. Where he is going and we is he so sneaky all of a sudden?

"Fuck Greg!" I swore louldy. "I'm going back to the surface." I told the guards and the immediately let me go. I'm a prince underwater to and they'll do what I ask.

I left the kingdom and I quickly swam back up to the surface. (Y/N) was sitting in the shallow end waiting on me.

"How did it go, Nialler?"

"Fucking terrible. I hate Greg so much." I said crawling up to him.

"Was he being mean?" He asked.

"Like usual. After we wrestled around, he was keeping someone waiting wrestling with me. Whoever the hell that is." I said.

"Who knows. He isn't worth it, Niall. Just remember that your chances of being king is higher than Greg's because your sweet." He said kissing my forehead.

"I hope so." I said and we sat there silent for a minute. "Hopefully we can try again but it's too soon."

"We can one day. Whenever your ready, my prince." He said holding me. I always felt special when he called me his prince. It meant more coming from him than it did back underwater. I hope we can try again soon and we get to have a little prince or princess on our own. 

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now