Chapter 24

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"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but we haven't found any trace of anything." The police department called you and broke the news.

"Is there anything you guys can do?" You begged.

"We've done everything. No fingerprints were left on at the scene so we don't have enough evidence to find-" Already frustrated you hung up the phone and sat on the couch. Niall peeked in the doorway and noticed how sad you were. He sat next to you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. His kisses usually make you smile but not at this moment.

"Babe?" Niall whispered. "What did they tell you?"

"They don't have enough evidence to find out who is responsible for that hit and run." You mumbled looking down at the ground sad. "I'm sorry this happened to you, Niall. You nearly died ad."

"I'm still here aren't I?" Niall leaned on your shoulder. "It's what ever now."

"Just whatever?! Niall you almost died-"

"I know. I know but look on the bright side. I'm still alive and we can try for another baby."

"Niall, your body isn't-"

"Hey!" Niall puts a finger on your lips. "I'm not saying right now but eventually." He replaced his fingers with his own lips.

"I love you my prince."

"I love you more. Let's go to bed." Niall took your hand as he lead you to the bedroom. Like usual, you climb in first and he cuddles behind you, kissing the back of your head and keeping you warm. He sang a couple lines from 'Moments' until your breathing evened going to sleep. Niall looked over your shoulder to make sure you were sleeping good. He kissed you one more time and took the opportunity to put a pillow behind you to make you think it was him and slowly crawled out of bed and went out to the ocean.

What could Niall be doing out this late?


*Later that night*

"Greg?!" James whispered loudly. "Greg?!"

"I'm down here you idiot!" Greg raised his hand waiting at the docks.

"There you are!!" James ran towards Greg happy to see him. He thinks his relationship is like you and Niall's. A merman dating a human but James doesn't have Greg's best interest. "Hey baby."

"I'm not your baby." Greg said harshly. "Sadly Niall isn't dead, you didn't hit him hard enough."

"At least I hit him. Where's my golden merfolk jewelry that I can exchange for money." James held out his hand.

"You'll get your gold and stuff after I get the crown and Niall's gone." Greg states.

"Dead or alive." James sat down putting his feet in the water.

"Preferably dead."

"Wow. You must really hate Niall."

"Of course I do! Everything has been about Niall ever since he met (Y/N)! Mum and Dad fells that Niall is more responsible than I am. I'm the older brother so therefore, I should be next in line for the throne!" Greg slammed his fist down on the dock. "And plus Niall is the only gay merman throughout the whole and the only person that wants him is (Y/N). A human."

"(Y/N) and I never liked each other so that automatically makes us enemies-" Something splashed under the dock. "What was that?!" James stood up frigthend.

"Oh shut up!" Greg shook his head and went down underwater to see what couldn't make the splashing sound. Nothing at all. Or maybe it might of swam away?

"Nothing." Greg came back up. "Probably a fish or something?"

"Yeah but anyways, when will you get the crown and I'll get my gold and riches?" James brought the subject back up.

"Give it about a week and it will all be yours. (Y/N) will be depressed, Niall will be long gone and forgotten, and I'll be at the throne!" Greg laughed.

"You don't even want a queen?" James said confused.

"And share the power? Fuck no! More for me." Greg swam back away from the dock. "So we'll meet back here tomorrow so we can go over more plans. Then we can get rid of Niall for good, yeah?"


"Alright see you tomorrow." Greg went underwater and swam back home.

"Whew! I thought Niall might have been under the dock." James felt like he could breathe for the first time in a while leaving the dock......but he was right.

Niall hid under the docks the whole time while James and Greg were talking. It was all a big set up to get rid of Niall.

Greg is paying James to help in the plan. Niall moved from under the docks and watched James run to his moped and speed off. Niall has never been so angry.

"You and James are gonna pay for trying to get rid of me."

Time to put matters into Niall's hands.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now