Chapter 19

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It is almost that time that you have been waiting for. Your wedding. The plan is to have two weddings. One on land with your family and the other underwater with Niall's family. Fortunately, Niall doesn't have to hold a baby for a whole nine months. He could go into labor in a month or less.

You've sent the last of your invitations to your family and friends while Niall sat on the couch lazily rubbing at his belly. "When is your wedding?"

"In a few weeks. I've been planning for months already."

"Can it hurry up and get here?" I'm just as excited for your wedding just as much as mine." Niall said joyfully.

"Pretty anxious aren't you?" You giggled.

"Am I ever? I'm finally gonna get married and have our little boy or girl. Hopefully a boy." Niall said thinking about how he'll spend the rest of my life with you.


"Where are we going, (Y/N)?" Niall grabbed your hand.

"We're trying on suits for out wedding." You told him.

"What's a tuxedo?" Niall asked obliviously.

"Something we wear at our weddings." You guided Liam into the store. The employees took both you and Niall's measurement's to find a suit for you. Some were nice, some weren't. You two kept trying them one until you found a good one.

"Come on out, Niall!" You called from the other side of the changing room.

"I'm trying to put shirt on!" He replied.

"What's taking so long?"

"I don't maybe, I have too much stomach to hide behind this shirt." Niall replied in a sassy tone. "Can I get a bigger size?"

"Here's one." You tossed a dress shirt over the door. "Your such a prince."

"Or a soon-to-be king. Greg is gonna be bowing down, kissing my tail in a heartbeat." Niall joke. You couldn't help but bust out in laughter. 

"Okay, I'm ready!" Niall steps out the room with a full tux perfectly hiding his stomach. 

"It looks good on you." A friendly employee complements.

"Thank you. I honestly like this-" Niall's cut off when you take both his hands. "What are you doing?"

"Just practicing." You say.

"Practing what?"

"I take you, Niall Horan to be my lawfully wedded husband." You said with a smile that's making Niall emotional.

" Don't do that yet! I'm gonna cry, I'm not ready for that yet." Niall hid his face. One of the weddings is getting closer, it's becoming surreal to Niall.

"Sorry. Just prepping for the actual day."

"Well, if that's the case. I can't wait till Dad gives me the golden crown. People cheering my name, Greg sitting at the bottom of the throne crying his eyes out begging forgivness." Niall looked up at the ceiling day dreaming.

"Did you tell Maura and Bob yet?"

"No not yet. I'll tell mom that I'm getting married and she'll help me plan in out in a heartbeat." 

"Are you inviting Greg?" You asked.

"Yeah." Niall nods.


"Because I want to show him that I have someone that loves me." Niall smiled.


"And I want to see his face when Dad puts the crown on my head." Niall's smiled turned into a grin.

"Niall!" You gasped and he laughs.

"Just teasing. No really I still want to see his face." 

After finding the right suits, you and Niall hurried back home so he could tell Queen Maura and King Bob that he's ready to marry.


"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" Niall swam in the throne room.

"Hi dear." Maura swims down to greet her son with a kiss. "How are you?"

"I'm great. I'm ready to marry." Niall annouced.

"Oh my goodness! Your are?!" Maura clapped.

"So does that mean that I'll be next in line for the throne?" 

"Most definately-"

"What?! No fair?!" Greg stormed into the throne room.

"It's totally fair, Greg. I'm getting married and having a kid and you aren't." Niall teased like Greg would do to him.

"Dad!!" Greg yelled as loud as he could.

"What's will all the noise?" Bob comes to the room with armor on before he leaves for war.

"Niall get's to be next in line for the throne!" Greg shouts.

"And?" Bob shook his head.

"With a human!"

"Oh yeah.....that." Bob mumbled.

"Niall dear, Bob and I have been talking and since (Y/N) isn't a merman. It would be breaking tradition if a merman rules with a human." Maura explained to Niall.

"See, I told ya!" Greg teased.

"But you can still be king." Bob announced.

"I can?!" Niall gasped.

"He can?!" Greg gets upset.

"Yes, he can." Bob announced. Niall hugged his dad tight and kissed his mum before swimming out the door out to the surface.

"We have alot of planning to do." Maura says.

"Yes, Maura. A whole lot of planning."


"(Y/N)!" Niall ran back in the house.

"What is it, Niall?"

"I have good news and bad news. Bad new is that you can't rule with me and the good news that I can still be king and my wedding is getting planned out right now."

"That's fantastice, Niall but are okay with me not ruling with you?"

"Oh that's whatever. We'll figure out something." Niall pecks you on the lips. "Now that your weddings all planned out, now all we have to say is 'I do' for the first of two times."

"That I'm looking forward to.

"So am I, (Y/N)." Niall kisses you again. "So am I."

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now