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Your landed in Ireland where you have your second home from a long plane ride. They're were babies crying, people talking, and the food was just disgusting.

When you reach your beach house and you go straight to your bed room and you pass out on the bed and good to sleep.

You wake up and hour later and it was already gonna be sunset.

"Shit!" You swore to yourself. You haven't eaten or went out on your boat. You made put shorts, tank top, and sandals on, stopped at a Nando's on the way there and you went to the local boat dock and you depart from the dock onto the blue waters of Ireland. Your going out towards the sunset and it was a beautiful site to see. You park the boat in the middle of the ocean. You hang over the edge to look in the water and you see what's swimming.

You see schools of fish, bigs ones, small ones.....then all of a sudden. You see a person. A person with a tail to be exact.

You run back into the boat pit and you ravage through your stuff for a pair of swim googles and you dip your head in the water and you look around.

It was nowhere to be found. Where you hallucinating or it might of been a pale shark with hair? You come back out of the water and you look out into the sunset. Then a head of blonde hair in the distance pops up out of the water.

"Hello?" You scream then the figure turns around and was frightened. He dove head first back in the water and as he dive in, a blue tail came up and dove back into the water. Your mouth gaped open in surprise. You race back to the steering wheel and you drove out to where you say the boy. You made it to its local.

"Hello?" You called into the water.

"Person with a.........tail?" You didn't know what to say. Your scavenging through the water he was no where to be found. Then something jumps out the water and you jump back. It was him. The boy with the tail.

"Hi?" You said in confusion. He was cute. He had eyes as blue as the ocean, a toned body you could see through the water, a pale complexion, and what happens to be a blue tail. Kinda like a mermaid or some sort.

"Hey there" he said enthusiastically. "Did I scare ya?"

"Yeah you did. What are you doing out here without a boat?" You asked him.

"I don't need a boat. I have a tail" he said and I was still oblivious to what he meant.

"You mean like those fake mermaid tails you can get a the swimmers store?" You ask.

"Oh hell no. I mean a real tail" he dives into the water making his tail appear in the air before you. "Believe me?" He said coming up.

"You a mermai-.......I mean merman?!" You became freaked out.

"Yes sir. Name's Niall" he reached out to shake a hand with you. Your hesitant for a second but you shake it.

"(Y/N)" you introduced yourself.

"I've never been close to a human before. Well I'm going back home. When will you be back out here?" He asked hopefully.

"I'm out here everyday. Will I see you then?" You asked him.

"Yeah I will. It was nice meeting you (Y/N). Bye" he smiled and waved before turning around and swimming into the sunset.

"Bye, Niall!" You smiled as you watched him swim away then submerging into the deep blue waters.

"Wow" you smile to yourself about how cute he was. And it's hard to believe that merman exist. You go back to the dock to put your boat back in its place where it's usually parked.

You went home hoping the the night will hurry up and end so that you can go back out and see Niall. The merman that you've become so interested in.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz