Chapter 8

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Niall went to sleep with a huge smile on his face, knowing that you took his virginity. You've had errands to run and that means Niall has to stay home.

You wrote Niall and cute note telling him that you'll be out for a minute. You left it next to where you slept and pressed soft kiss on his cheek and left out.

A grunt escapes Niall's lips waking up. He turned over reaching and arm over you but your not there. His head shot up and he noticed the note you left.

I went out to run errands. I'm going to get a job at an aquarium.

Don't do anything bad while I'm gone

Love you so much.

P.S Had fun with you last night.

Niall wants to cry because your not with him. He gets lost without you.

"My boyfriend!" Niall cried to himself and grabbed the pillow he slept on inhailing your scent. Lucky, he knows what an errand is and he doesn't know when you'll be back. He jumped up and ran around your house looking for you.

"(Y/N)!" Niall screamed throughout the house. He's having a nervous breakdown and starts hyperventalating. He knew one more place to check the ocean. Niall ran out side and walked ready to spring in the water and then it hits him.

"What the fuck is an aquarium?" Niall asked himself. He knew it wasn't anything in the ocean. Time for him to do a bit of investigating. He went back to your room and went through your drawers and he found a flyer.

"The Ireland Aquarium" Niall read out loud.

"Now hiring, water perfomers and assistant dolphin trainers?" Niall questioned. He looked at the address to find out where you were. Niall doesn't know what he's getting to you.


You got the job at the aquarium and you got the job as an assistant tour guide. You and your work partner at guiding a group the well-known part of the aquarium. The Mermaid tank. Throughout the whole place there is a kid in the back with a hood and hat on the whole time keeping his head down concealing his identity. You and your partner don't know who the kid is but you two kept it moving and kept and eye on him.

"Right here is the mermaids tank." Your partner announced the whole group all awed. A pretty blonde mermaid with a blue tail and sea shell bra came and swam up to the glass. The audience awed. She blew you and kiss and the kid in the back's head snapped up and he growled. It was Niall.

"Which mermaid is that?" A little girl asked you. You turned around and there he was.


"Niall?" The other guide asked you. Niall's a merman again and the audience seems to be astounded. They don't know that Niall is a real merman and that he doesn't wear a fake tail. The little girl walked up to the glass and laid a hand on it. Niall swam down to the girl and left his hand where he's was. All the little kids left their parents and walked up to Niall.

Niall interacted with the kids and they all cheers. He did tricks and other things to keep the kids entertained. You were terrified that someone will find out who he really is.

Your partner took the families and continued with the door. You checked the clock on your phone and your almost off. Niall hit the glass making you jumped and he smirks behind the glass.

"I'll be right up" you told him and went to the mermaid room. You walked in and there was Niall.

"How did you get here?" You asked him dropping down on your knees next to the pool.

"I took those yellow car thingies and she gave me a free ride for being cute" Niall smiled then kissing you. He's referring to a taxi cab as a 'yellow car thingie'.

"Did you get lonely?" You asked softly.

"I woke up and cried (Y/N)! Of course I was lonely" Niall sassed.

"What's going on in here?" You boss walks in. "(Y/N), I don't pay to talk to mermaids!"

"Sorry, boss. I just got a little distracted" you tried to cover up.

"Why don't you lay off him you fat son of a bitch!" Niall growled and your mouth gapes open.

"Excuse me?" Your boss retorted. "Watch who your taking to what do I pay for you for anyway?"

"Pay?!" A mermaid in the dressing room storms in. "You haven't paid in a weeks and it's the same bullshit story!"

"I'm one of the top tank cleaners here and I don't even make half a pound and you always persuade me to stay!" One employee comes storming in the room.

"And what's the point of dropping me down from a manager to a your guide if you only get paid 5 pounds every four hours!" Your partner walked in.

"5 POUNDS EVERY FOUR HOURS?!?!" You, the mermaid performer, and the tank cleaner all said in shock.

"Your a fucking fraud!" You called out.

Out of now where stream of water comes blasting sending your boss flying. You turned around to Niall who dove back in the water hiding. You shook your head and chuckled at Niall.

Niall is quite a character.


"Are you not mad that you lost your job?" Niall asked.

"No. I quit, they don't pay enough. Maybe I could work at Nando's, your favorite place on dry land." You suggested and Niall smiled widely.

"That means you get all the food you want right?" Niall asked hopefully.

"I still have to pay, Niall" you told him. Niall lightly chuckled.


"Yes, Niall?"

"Do you like me better as a human?" He asked flattening his lips.

"I told you before, Niall. I love regardless if your a human or mermaid" you told him fondly kissing him on the forehead.

"I just feel like I don't belong underwater. Being at the aquarium and those kids being appreciative and acceptant of me makes me wish I was that like at home. I've always been rejected and my brother told me that no one wanted me." Niall said as a tear streamed down his face. You caught it with your thumb and hugging him as he cried.

"Don't let your brother get to you-"

"Greg is just so mean and he makes me feel worthless!" Niall cried harder. "I'm not one of the princes of the ocean anymore because no one wants me!" He sobbed in your shoulder and you start to cry as well feeling bad for the Irish merman.


"Yeah...." He asked sniffling.

"If I makes you feel any better. You can be my prince" you tried to comfort him.

"Y-Your prince?" Niall asked wiping his eyes.

"Yeah. Since you can't return home, this is your home. Well kingdom. My house is your kingdom, Prince Niall" You said bowing to him.

"Prince of your house?" He asked whimpering.

"Of course. I want to you to feel wanted because I want you. Not only that I love you, and I'd love to serve you. Just done expect me to clean up after you--oohh!!!!" Niall cut you off with a surprise hug jumping on you.

"Thank you so much, (Y/N)! I love you so much!" Niall cried in you shoulder.

"Anything for you, Niall. Anything my prince wants?" Niall tapped his chin trying to think.

"The Prince wants to cuddle and go to bed because he's tired" Niall said giggling. You nodded and you pull him in your chest. He pulled up the blanket and cuddled up to you.

"I love you, Niall" you told him sleepily.

"I love you too, (Y/N)" he said holding you until you both feel asleep.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now