Chapter 6

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"Niall?!" You shook him. "Niall, wake up!"

A grunt escaped Niall and he slightly starts to moves his eyes shot open.

"(Y/N)!" Niall cried wrapping his arms around your neck holding you tight sobbing in your neck. You didn't know what was wrong with him but you hug back.

"Niall, what's wrong?" You asked him

"I'm never going back home!" He cried in your shoulder.

"What happened?" You pulled him out your chest and wipes his tears away.

"I'm the only gay merman out of my whole home whole, no one wanted me besides you, and my brother Greg told me that I belong on the surface because that would be the only way I could fit in" Niall cried in your shoulder again.

"Where did your legs come from?" You asked him still astounded at his change.

"I stayed out of the water and grew a pair of legs. I thought I was gonna die" Niall explained.

"So you risked your life just to be with me?" You feel tears build up in your eyes.

"I'd rather be with you" Niall wiped his tears. "I'd rather be around someone that appreciate me on dry land than people under water"

Now your full on crying because Niall made your ear melt. He risked his life growing a pair of legs to be human like you.

"Niall......" You started to sniffle. "I love you so much" you started to cry. Niall pulled you into a hug. His love you is unconditional. He loved you more that possibly anyone's human. Now that Niall is human, he's the only one that loved you more than anything.

"I love you too" Niall rubbed your back.

"Did you really think you were gonna die growing a pair of legs?" You asked him.

"I did. But it was a myth that if any mermaid or merman stayed out the water for too long they grow legs and they'll be human" Niall explained.

"Can you still talk to sea creatures and move water?" You asked.

"I'll try" Niall said putting his thumb and pointer finger in his mouth whistling. Within seconds a baby seal slowly crawls out the water.

"A seal?" You chuckled.

"I was just testing" Niall announced. He was doing a hand movement and a ball of water floated out of the ocean.

"I still have my powers, it's just that I'm not a merman anymore" Niall stumbled checking his lower half astounded. He turned his lowered half checking out his backside and the back of his legs. He has a cute and perky butt. Part of you wanted to pinch it.

Niall opened his legs to allow his private hang loose.

"I have a thingy now" Niall pointed out. "And that means......." He stopped and his blue eyes started to sparkle.

"What?" You asked him wiping your eyes.

"We can fuck!" Niall said excitedly. Your eyes widen and you burst out in hysterics.

"You have to learn how to use your legs first, Niall. Then we can" you assured.

"Aaawww" Niall whined.

"Let's get you some clothes because your naked" you picked him up bridal style and carried he back in your house, to your bed room. While you fetch him a pair of shorts he's laying in your bed wiggling his toes.

You grab his ankles and put on leg in at a time for him and he pulled them the rest of the way up.

"Can you stand up?" You asked him.

"I'll try" Niall mumbled. Little by little he uses his left to move and plant it on the floor. He slowly brought his right leg over and he stood up.

"Now try to walk to me" you held your arms out like he's a toddler learning how to walk.

He slowly took baby steps and he started to waddle walking towards you.

"Almost there" you told him. With only a few steps to go he fell forwards, miraculously touching lips with yours and you both blush.

"Well work on that" you told him.

"Then we can fuck?" Niall asked hopefully. He's anxious about sex. First thing that he's a virgin and he's desperate to lose it to you.

"Eventually" you forced yourself to tell him earning a fake pout from him.

"What else can we do as a couple now that I'm human?" Niall asked.

"We can cuddle on the couch and bed now that you don't have to sleep in the pool all wet" you stated.

Niall wrapped his arms around your neck and all of a sudden started walking backwards like a pro making you collapse on top him. You laugh as he kisses passes kisses all over your face.

"Screw living underwater. Dry land is where I can make a living" Niall admits wrapping his lets around your waist.

"Your getting the hang of your legs?"


"That's good. You'll blend right in with everyone in no time" you kissed him. "Do you want to go to Nandos"

"What's that?" He cocked an eyebrow

"It's where I got your burger from-" you didn't have to finish your sentence Niall was walking out your room like he's been doing it all his life.

Guess that's one way to get Niall to walk walking good.


After you and Niall had lunch at Nando's, you two shared a few laughs and talked about the littlest things that you liked about each other.

After that you showed Niall all around Ireland and what the land has to offer. Niall's enjoying every minute of it with you. It's been a long day with just the two of you and you two finally made it home.

You and Niall are in bed cuddled up watching tv.

"I love you so much" Niall nuzzled his face in your neck.

"I love you too, Niall" you kissed the side of his head.

You and Niall slowly fall asleep in each other's arms.

You never met someone as unique and loving as Niall and he feels the same way about you.

Being loved by you makes Niall wish that he was never born a merman.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now