Chapter 23

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*Your POV*

Our world came crashing down after the accident. Not only that, Niall and his brother Greg have been at each others throats. Niall was always a lover and not a fighter but he'll get aggressive if he has to. Like the time he blasted my boss with water at the aquarium I worked for a day and quit along with the other employees. He wasn't paying anyone. Niall is still determined to have another child and at the same time is still fed up with Greg.

Niall sat on the couch looking a bit annoyed and I sat next to him snuggling to his side. He normally wakes up and kisses me but this morning he got out of bed and went to the living room.

"My prince?"

"Yeah?" Niall's tone was stiff.

"Are you okay-"

"No." He quickly replied.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything, (Y/N)!" Niall stood up all of a sudden angry. "I lost a baby, Greg being an arse, and We don't know who's responsible for hitting me."

"Niall, the police are investigating." I tried to calm him down but he's getting even more aggravated.

"They're taking too long. I'm gonna go find out myself." Niall walked towards the door. I quickly ran after him grabbing his arm. "What (Y/N)?" Niall asked bluntly.

"Your getting out of hand, Niall. Calm down."

"I can't (Y/N)! Don't you get it!" He practically yelled.

"I do."

"Clearly you don't." He retorts.

"Niall, please don't argue with me." I warned. The last argument we had broken us up in the first place. I'll never forget that day when the people from his native underwater home came to visit me. I felt bad for hurting Niall and I don't want to hurt him again.

"I'm not arguing, (Y/N)." He said in a stern tone.

"What don't I get?"

"Have you ever lost a baby with the person you love?"


"Exactly." Niall tried to walk back to the door.

"Niall James Horan!" I called him by his full name in a serious tone. He looked at me confused. "What someone spills water on you and you'll be revealed to the world that your a merman?"

"Ocean water will change me. Not from the tap." Niall corrected.

"Fine, Niall. Go ahead. Be careful." I gave up.

"Thank you." Niall stepped out the door without giving me a kiss. I know he's fueld by revenge. I don't blame him. I'll just let him have his space to cool down.


It was about time for me to clear my head too. I didn't like that side of Niall and I didn't feel good after he yelled at me. My prince is now mad at the world. All we have to blame is the person who hit him in that car accident and his brother Greg.

I'm relaxing at the beach and suddenly James my arch enemy approached. Oh good. What does he want?

"Hey (Y/N)." He smirks like he's up to no good.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing. Where's Niall? Didn't he die in a car accident?" James played. Instantly, I thought back to that event and I just snapped. I quickly stood up and pushed James so hard to the ground, getting sand all over his clothes.

"Don't talk about Niall like that! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I snapped. James just stood there with wide eyes. He hasn't seen this angry side of me before. I guess today is bringing out the worst in Niall and I.

"Anywho. I'll just see you later." James stood up as is nothing just happened.

"Don't count on it." I turned away from him.

"I'm not. I'm keeping someone waiting fighting with you." James left.

"Whatever." I dimiss him. Sometimes I just wanna fed him to sharks. I'll just ask Niall to call them for me.

Meanwhile, I sat down in the sand, holding my knees up to my chest watching the sunset and the ocean waves.

"Hey." Niall stood above me.


"Can we talk?" Niall frowned a little bit.

"Sure." I said. Niall sat down next to me close.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have gotten loud with you like that." He said sincerely.

"It's okay, Niall. I understand that your just angry."

"And I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It's just that I was at my witts end with everything. Everything that I wanted and I'm pretty sure you wanted as taken away from us. Our child, your wedding. And Greg was always so mean to me wishing that I was dead. Sometimes I just want to feed him great white sharks sometimes." Niall said looking out at the sunset.

"I understand that your upset. I'm just surprised about where the anger came from."

"I was wrong for yelling at you. I'm just tired of being hurt and underestimated by everyone. I thought the only way to prove to myself that I wasn't weak is to find the person who tried to kill me." Niall began to whimper. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I love you so much and I just want to spend forever with you then that happened." Niall started crying. "No matter how mad I get, I just want you to love me like you always have. I just want to be your prince." Then Niall broke down.

I quickly hugged him as he gently cried."I love you too Niall James Horan." I held him until he stopped crying. He wiped his eyes and I kissed him on the cheek.

"What did you do while I was gone?" Niall sniffed.

"Nothing. Came here and saw James. He spoke bad about you and I shoved him to the ground. He said he was 'too busy to fight with me because he was meeting with someone." I said.

"Why does that sound familiar?" Niall raised an eyebrow. It took me a moment to think....

"He was keeping someone waiting wrestling with me. Whoever the hell that is." Niall said.

Then it hit me. James said almost the same thing to me.

"Can we go home?" Niall stood up. I nod

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now