Chapter 12

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It was a very unfortunate yesterday day was after Niall ran away into the ocean and you came back after him. Lucky for you that Niall grabbed you when you were shipwrecked. He wouldn't know what he'd do if he lose you. The only person that loves him.

Niall wakes up before you to go for a swim and run a few errands back at his home. He left a soft kiss on your cheek while you slept soundly.

"I'll be back my love" He traced his fingers down your face and made his way down the beach and into the ocean


Your sprawled out all over the bed and Niall's usually sleeping on one side but he isn't there. You don't notice that at all because your sleeping too good.....maybe not as good.

"I'm going back home and I'm never coming back! I though you loved me!" Niall got up and stormed out the room.You got up and chased after him.

"I do love you, Niall!" 

"If you did then you'd spend the rest of your life with me!" He ran off into the ocean.

"Niall! Please don't go!" It was too late he swam off getting himself lost. Your not gonna let him go that easily, you've been wearing the necklace Queen Maura lent you all day. 

"Niall!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as you swam through the ocean wearing the necklace that Maura gave you for protection. 

"Niall?" All of a sudden bright light shines in your face off the ocean floor. You swim down to it and it's the ring that you gave Niall.

Niall screams loud enough to be heard throughout the ocean. 

"NIALL!!" You followed the scream as fast as you could and there he was lying there on the ocean floor. You swam towards him and he's lying there looking more pale than he already his.

"Niall?" You shook him. 

"Nialler? Baby?" You started to panic and cry.

"Niall? Please, wake up!" You cried even harder. Niall couldn't wake up. He's gone

"Niall!!" You broke down pulling him in your shoulder crying. 


"I'm so sorry! I love you, Niall!"

"(Y/N), baby wake up" Niall shook you and you jumped out of your sleep. 

"Niall!" You cried jumping on him earning a little surprised noise from him. 

"Baby, you ok?" He rubbed your back and held you tight.

"I love you so much, Niall! Please don't leave me! I don't know what I'd do without you!" You cried in his shoulder as he held you.

"I'm not going anywhere baby. Your prince will always be right here with you." Niall assured you. You two broke from the hug and you noticed something slightly different from Niall. His hair is two different colors.

"Niall, did you dye your hair?" You ran his hand through his brownish-blonde locks of hair.

"Oh no. I took out some of the blonde. I'm not naturally blonde, ya know?" He shrugged.

"I like it. It's different..." 

"Just like your prince?" Niall finished your sentence.

"I was gonna say that it's cute" you corrected Niall.

"Your prince is cute isn't he?" Niall asked hopefully.

"I think my prince is sexy" You gave him suggestive eyebrow raises.

"Your a naughty boy, (Y/N). A very naughty boy" He slowly crawled on top of you and slowly brought his face to yours and you slowly go in to kiss him but your stopped with his finger on your lips.

"Not yet angel face. Can you do your charming prince a favor?" 

"And what is that?" You cocked an eyebrow.

"Can I borrow you some money?" 

"For what?"

"You'll see" He kissed the tip of your nose. You handed him some money and he ran out the door.

It looks like Niall has something up his sleeve.


While Niall was out doing whatever he's doing, you had things to do yourself. Your hoping that Niall will be home by the time you get there. You walked through the door and the lights were dimmed and Niall's sitting right in front of you, shirtless playing guitar.

You'll never love yourself

Half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right darling

But I want you to

If I let you know

I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you


I've just let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

'Cause it's you

Oh it's you

It's you

They add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all his little things

I won't let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

But if it's true

It's you

It's you

They add up to

I'm in love with you

And all your little things

You burst out into tears and clapped for him. You never knew how musically talented he was. Ironically they have guitars underwater too. The one of few things that dry land and underwater has in commons.

"I want you to open this and read what is says" He handed you a small black box. You opended it and it's a golden ring almost similar to the one Niall gave you with a message inside.

'To The Man Of My Dreams, My Love (Y/N)'

You started crying and he held you comforting you.

"Where did you get the ring from?" You mumbled in his shoulder.

"I know jewelery makers back at home. I'm glad they knew how to write messages in the rings" 

"What did you need the money for?" 

"Glad you asked." He pulled out a bad of Nando's from behind his back and you burst out laughing in hysterics. "I got both our favorites"

You and Niall sat down on the couch and ate watching movies.

"I know that you wanted to get married right now and I understand that. But you've been taking good care of me and you've done alot for me. So I decided to return a favor and repay for how much you've been taking care of your prince" He kissed you on the cheek.

"Thanks so much, Niall. I love you" You rested your forehead on his. 

"I love you too" 

"Do you mind carrying your love to bed?" You asked him since he was repaying you. 

He grabed under you and struggle to pick you up off the couch and to the bedroom.

"Damn, your so heavy!" He struggled to carry you to bed and laid you down on the bed. He held you instead of you holding him and you slowly go off to sleep with him.

"Goodnight, my love"

Goodnight, my prince"

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now