Chapter 11

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Niall hasn't taken it lightly that your not ready for marriage or to have children. He loves you that much to take it to the next level but your not ready for that. You tried to cuddle up to Niall and he rolled out of bed and went out in the ocean.

NIall's pretty upset and he normally can't resist you no more than three seconds. He hasn't talked to you for a whole three hours.

You'd kiss him and he wouldn't kiss back, you'd hug him and he wouldn't hug back, if you made him some food he'd eat but that's about it because Niall won't refuse any food.

"Niall!" You whined. "Please talk to me!" Niall just continued watching the tv. "I'll do anything for my prince"

"I want to try for a baby and get married" He replied harshly.

"Niall, just because you got away with the legs myth doesn't mean that a baby one will work. And we had unprotected sex before and you didn't have a baby. And I'm not ready for marriage yet.

Niall stuck out his stomach and held out the ring you gave him. "What is this?"

"Your holding out stomach, Niall. Your not pregnant and it's just a gift from me" you poked his pretend pudgy belly. 

"All I want is to live the life I want with you" Niall sucked his stomach back in and took off the ring you gave him.


"I'm going for a swim, I'll be back!" Niall got up and stormed to the ocean and swam away. 


It's getting late and you haven't seen Niall all day. He hasn't come home and your starting to worry about him. It's time that you do your own searching. You ran to the boat pier as fast as you could and set sail on the ocean. 

"Niall!" You called for him. Thunder started to roar and you almost jumped off the boat in fright. The wind started to pick up and the waves started to pick up. 

"Niall!!" You screamed desperately for help. Lightning brightens up the sku and hits the water. You don't have time to look for Niall and he can survive those conditions in the water and your chances of surviving that are slim. 

You rushed back to the cockpit and you start the engine but it's acting up. You turn the wheel few times and you messed with the controls but still getting no response.

 There is no more fuel in the tank and your stranded out in the middle of the ocean. 

"Niall!!" You screamed for him again. 

"Ni-" A wave hit the boat and temporarily floods the boat and drains back in the ocean. 

Your starting to panic and still no sign of Niall. There is one big wave thats a few feet tall towering over the boat. And it was strong enough to destroy it.


Niall's swimming out on his own. All he ever wanted was to spend the rest of his life with you and start a familiy but it's too early for that.


Niall turned around quickly and saw a dismantled ship in the distance. He swam towards it and as he gets closer he notices that it's a body falling. He has no idea who it is as he hesistantly swam towards the body. As he gotten closer the body was starting to look familiar to him.

"(Y/N)!!!!" Niall gasped and swam to you.He grabbed your body and swam up to get some air. He held your face and saw that you were unconscious.

"My god!" Niall started to get scared, He swam as fast as he could to the shore keeping both your heads above shore.

The storm stopped by the time he made it to shore. He struggled to carry your body out the water and he grew his legs when he made it shore. He dragged your body up to the sand and pressed on your stomach a few times.

"Come on (Y/N)" Niall shook you and pressed on your stomach. "Please!" Niall was starting to break down.

"Please! You can't!" His lip started to tremble and he's starting to cry. 

"I'm sorry! Please don't leave me!" Niall was starting to become desperate. Still not giving him any response.

NIall full on crying and he didn't know what else to do. He decided to use his powers to save you and if that didn't work then Niall would be hurt and depressed without you.

Niall put a hand on your chest and water shot out your lungs and you sat up straight. The last thing you remembered is that you were on your boat and your boat was wrecked.

"(Y/N)!!!" He jumped on you hiding his face in your shoulder sobbing.

"Niall!" You held him tight as he cried in your shoulder and you did the same in his. 

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I almost got you killed!" Niall cried harder. 

"But you saved me, Niall. I'm OK" you soothed.

"I love you so much! I wouldn't know what I'd do if I lost you" Niall sniffled. Niall took his head out your shoulder and you wiped his tears away and kissed him

"I don't know either" you picked him up and carried him in the house.

"Can we go to bed? I want you to hold me" NIall asked sweetly.

"Anything for my prince" You reminded him.

"I love when you say that to me" Niall grinned. 

You made it to the bed room and laid him out on the bed. He held out his arms and faked a pout.

"Cuddle me" He faked a whine.

You pulled him in your chest and you held him tight.

"I love you my prince Niall" You kissed the tip of his nose and put his ring back his finger. 

"I love you more" He said back to you. He started kissing your neck and went down your chest and almost done to your torso and you pulled his head back in your chest.

"You said you wanted me to cuddle you, no sex" You reminded him grinning.

"Aaawww" Niall whined going off to sleep in your chest. "Maybe apologetic sex?" He looked up to you.

"Go to bed, Niall" You laughed going off to sleep. He laughed and went to sleep in your chest.

Now you will never let Niall go again.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now