Chapter 20

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After months of planning and spending money the time has finally come. The first of two times that you get to marry Niall. The limo company will be on their way shortly to pick up Niall. He couldn't sleep

knowing that's its the first two weddings coming up.

"I can't believe that I'll get to call you mine....well twice." Niall shrugged with a small laugh.

You pulled Niall into a hug around his body kissing his nose and lips, "I can't believe it either. And we are still expecting this little guy or girl." You say rubbing his belly.

"I'm good with either boy or girl." Niall said. A car honked outside, the limo was there for Niall.

"Your limo is here, Niall."

"What's that?" Niall cocked an eyebrow.

"I'll show you." You led him outside to the limo and chauffeur holding the limo open for Niall.

"Mr. Niall?" The chauffeur asked.

"That's your ride, Niall. I'll meet you there."

"Wow......this is nice." Niall's amazed. He sat in the first seat, giving you one more kiss.

"I'll see you at the altar, my prince."

"See you there, my love." Niall kissed you one more time and the limo door closed. The driver pulled out the driveway and made their way to the wedding venue.

Just few blocks ahead was the venue where Niall was meeting you.

"I can't wait!" Niall bounced in then back seat of the limo. "And I can't wait until you get here." Niall looked down on his stomach rubbing it gently.

Afterwards, Niall looked to his right and a car somes speeding towards the limo crashing into it and everything went black.


No one has seen Niall or heard from Niall.

"(Y/N)?" The venue owner ran in your dressing room.


"The limo driver called! Someone hit him and ran!"

"What?! Are they okay?! Is Niall okay?!" You started to panic and cry.

"The driver is okay-"

"What about Niall?!"

The owner took a deep breathe, I'm sorry but Niall got rushed to the hospital. He's in the emergency room."

"OH MY GOD, NIALL!!!" You grabbed your car keys and drove to the hospital. One your way there, you passed the sight of the crash. The police and news trucks swarmed the area. You came too late.

Finally, you made to the hospital running to the woman at the front desk. "Can you please tell me where Niall Horan is?!" Tears fall from your eyes.

"He's in the emergency room. He can't have any visitors right now."

"PLEASE LET ME SEE HIM!!!" You begged.

"I'm sorry but they won't let you in there." The lady apologized. Your last resort is to sit in the waiting room.




"You can see Niall now."

"Thank you." The doctor led you to Niall's room and left you two alone.


"(Y/N)!" Niall started sobbing. His face is scratched and bruised up. It's hard to see your prince in this much pain.

"My gosh I was so worried about you!" You sobbed in his neck.

"It was a boy, (Y/N)." Niall brings up with complete sadness.

"What was a boy?"

"Our baby." Niall choked out sobs.

"What happended to him?"

Niall took a deep breath and started to breakdown even more, "We lost him."

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now