10. A wake up call

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I dont even know what to say about this chapter

You wake up suddenly, almost jumping out of bed but you couldn't for some reason. A hand. A hand holding you down by your waist. You look up to see Tendou, still sleeping peacefully.

Wait we didn't do anything right?!?

You look underneath the bedsheets to check. You scream.

'SH-SH-SHIRTLESS!! SATORI!!' You manage to scream. He was sleeping without his shirt on. He had his boxers on which you thought was lucky. You see his abs. You blush furiously. He wakes up, slowly after hearing you scream.
'Sorry I cant sleep with a shirt on'
'You should've slept in a sleeping bag'
'Hmm why? Dont tell me you didn't enjoy it little perv' he leans closer, lips almost touching yours.
You couldn't help the teasing. You steal the tiniest kiss. 'Im not a perv tendou' you say as you walk to the bathroom with your school clothes. Tendou was still shocked by the kiss but then started smiling.
'Tendou, go to your house and get changed.' You say.
'Actually I brought my clothes here.'
'Ugh fine you use the bathroom'
He runs to the bathroom with the bag he brought yesterday. You started getting changed in your room. Your we're putting on your school shirt when you notice an eye peeking out from the door.

'SO IM THE PERV, HUH?' You say throwing a book at Tendou.
'I just came. Damn am i that bad at spying?'
'Yes. Now go downstairs and get some cereal out.'
He rushes downstairs but you hear the stove turn on. You quickly pack your bag and rush downstairs.
'I thought you always eat cereal for breakfast so i wanted to make you something else. Where do you keep the eggs?'
'Oh umm in there.' you went to grab it for him. You pass the eggs to him. He gets out the toaster and toasts some bread. He also makes some coffee.
'Ahh I haven't eaten like this in a while. Tendou you should come over more often and cook for me more'
'I should'
You notice Tendous hairs down.
'Are you not going to spike your hair up today..?'
'Nah i said i might wear it to school like this.'
Why is he so damn cute with his hair down???

You kiss him quickly, not even knowing why.
'Oi! If you're gonna kiss me at least make it a long one!' He tucks your stray hair behind your ear and kisses you longer.

'Quick lets run'
You run out the door holding Tendous hand.

Short chapter :/
Boring chapter :/
'Im so sorry i made this' chapter :/

Thank you for the reads i love you all so much

Thank you for the reads i love you all so much

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