Chapter 30- Best Birthday Ever

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"We're all in this together..."

We split into two teams to play truth or dare, and currently, the boys were singing we're all in this together from high school musical along with dancing the choreography...quite horribly.

We decided to be basic and split into males versus females, with my dad as the commentator, watching and laughing. This was the boys' dare, but now I was starting to regret it. I haven't seen such chaos. Ever.

Troy and Jason were belting out the lyrics with so much seriousness that one wouldn't be able to tell it was from high school musical. Josh, Bryan, and Brandon kept tripping on their own feet because of basic dance steps, making things worse Brandon and Josh ended up walking into each other.

I almost choked on my water.

"Alright, that's enough embarrassment for one day. Boys turn," dad said.

They huddled in a circle for being dramatic sake and discussed. "Truth or dare, ladies?" Brandon asked.

"Dare," Lynette spoke.

"We were supposed to talk before choosing!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Choosing a truth would be boring."

"You don't get to decide that," Kelsey said.

"Guys, it's just a game," I chimed in.

"Yeah, cos, hear that girls? Have a little fun."

She knew how to get under someone's skin.

"Alright for you beautiful ladies. One of you must hold a handstand for a minute. Not Jessica, though," Troy said.

That doesn't sound so hard...

"Another of you must kiss any of the guys on the lips for twenty seconds. No one is allowed to kiss their boyfriend," Bryan continued.

That rules Jessica and Kelsey out.

"The next person is gonna peel a banana with just their feet," Josh said.

"While the last person must piggyback Jason for three minutes," Brandon finished.

We all stared at them in disbelief while they smugly looked at us. My dad's laughter boomed through my ears.

"Now, this is just payback for making them dance and sing high school musical." He sipped his juice with pure amusement in his eyes.

"You guys figure out who is doing what, we'll be waiting," Jason said, a smirk playing on his lips. If only I could just smack that face of his.

We turned to one another and discussed it. "I definitely can't do the handstand."

"Kelsey and I can't kiss anyone. Do you wanna do that?" Jessica asked.

"I can do that on--"Lynette started.

"I call dibs on it!" I yelled.

"I can attempt the handstand," Kesley said.

"I guess I can piggyback Jason. I've got gymnast's legs," Jessica said.

"Wait, so I have to peel a banana? With my feet?"

"Yup. Goodluck," Jessica replied.

"Alright, we're ready!" Kelsey announced.

"Alright, ladies. One at a time," Jason said.

I sighed. Let's just get this over with. I walked straight up to Josh and grabbed his collar, dragging him closer to me. Our lips met, and quickly everyone else was forgotten. It wasn't anything serious since we still knew that we were in the presence of everyone. I'm very positive twenty seconds had passed, but none of us moved until we heard a cough from Troy.

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