Chapter 9- Kisses and Divorce

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This chapter is dedicated to valerie_wynne. Thank you so much for your support. 


It had been a week since the beach. We all hung out at my house several times during the past week. Sometimes we engaged in conversations and had FIFA tournaments, while other times, we were all in different places in the house, doing our own things. From the day at the beach till now, Josh was, dare I say, happier. 

He even joked with everyone. I knew they were going to eventually rub off on him, but I expected it to take longer. I guess everyone just made an excellent first impression, and after that, he saw that there was no threat to being our friends. If anything, it would seem like we had all known each other for years. A person would not be able to tell that Josh just moved here a month ago. 

Kelsey sighed, driving my thoughts away. 

"Summer is becoming boring. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want to go to school?"

I gasped. "How dare you? School is gross."

"I know, but nothing is happening anymore. Brandon hasn't even asked me out."

I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. "So that's what this is about."

She frowned at me and looked away. "We've been going on dates for weeks now. He knows I like him; I know he likes," she complained.

"Maybe he's just waiting for the perfect moment."

"Screw perfect moments. Every minute with him is precious enough already."

"Then why don't you ask him out?" I question. 

She was blank for a few seconds before her eyes lit up. "Why didn't I think of that?"

I shrugged and laughed. "Okay, I'll do it next time we're alone," she finalized. 

"Can't wait to hear about his reaction." 

We sat in silence on our phones for a while before she turned to me. 

"Have you noticed Jason has been a bit distant?" she asked. 

"I noticed, but I thought maybe he was just having some alone time. I guess I didn't think much about it. You think something is up?"

She hummed in response. "I just feel like he's hiding something."

"Well, let's go find out. I'm sure Troy will know."

We exited my room and walked downstairs. On the couch was Bryan, Brandon, Troy, and Josh watching a soccer game. The fact that they invited Josh warmed my heart. He was in the middle of the twins, looking comfortable as ever. 

"Well, aren't you guys looking cozy," I stated as Kelsey, and I plopped on the smaller couch. 

None of their heads turned to us. They were all so engrossed in their match. 

"Hello?" I asked, snapping my fingers.

No one even noticed me.

"Guys, you alive?" Kelsey asked. 

Still nothing. 

"Oh yeah, Tess, tell me about that hot guy you kissed?" Kelsey asked really loudly. 

All four of their heads snapped to us in a second. 

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