70: The Departed

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They all left the Gilbert House after eating takeout, Tyler giving MJ a lift home so she didn't have to walk through town covered in blood – escorting her up to her apartment, giving her an incredibly tight hug before finally leaving her be for the night.

To say he'd been really scared about her not waking up from the crazy-state would've been understating it.

During the 'celebration' a few things had started to come back.

MJ remembered spouting gibberish in-between gulping tea to clear her mind for a few seconds.

She remembered them agreeing to call Kol after she suggested there could be a cure to vampirism.

She also remembered him putting up with her chucking him into walls when he tried to feed her vampire blood.

That was about as far as she'd gotten when it came to her memories

MJ remembered him speaking softly, waking up just enough to drink his blood.

She had vampire blood in her system.

She pulled off the soaking bloody jeans and decided to burn them. She rarely wore jeans anyway, and she didn't have the energy to try and clean them.

Then the shirt.

The shirt was white, more stained because of that, but, technically, it wasn't hers.

She couldn't throw away something that belonged to someone else.

After her shower she texted Kol.

'Thank you for today x.'

MJ didn't know if the other Originals knew about Klaus yet, and she didn't want to just add that on at the end. Not until she knew whether he'd respond or not.

She put her phone down.


Her bed.

She couldn't sleep.

She'd basically been asleep all afternoon, but that wasn't the reason why.

Ric was still out there.

He'd wanted to die, and watching that had been awful enough, but knowing his evil alter ego was out there and determined to kill off the vampire species, plus anyone who sympathised with them, was somehow even worse. MJ didn't want to have to hurt him, but she knew that was the only way forward. .

She found herself reaching for her necklace.

She wanted to talk to her mum.

MJ wanted to hear her voice and argue with her about getting involved with vampire business, and cry with her about losing Ric, and ask her about the necklace, and everything she'd learnt about in New York.

And she just wanted to be sad.

She wanted to be sad, and she wanted to have her mum there to comfort her.

MJ had just pulled out her paint set when she got a text from Jeremy.

Elena had collapsed from blood loss during her time in Klaus's possession, and her brother had taken her to the hospital. Caroline, Tyler, and Matt were going to grab her before something went wrong, the way it always did at Mystic Falls Hospital, and MJ was going to meet them back at Elena's house with witch supplies.

Damon and Stefan were mad because the Hospital was a public place, any Original who wanted Ric dead able to find her.

MJ wasn't going to point out how Elijah could already get in the house till she'd made sure he couldn't.

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