19: Under Control

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MJ ended up staying the night at the Gilbert House, sitting with Jeremy until Elena got back, and staying in his room to watch him talk and pace and stress into the early hours of the morning. Elena was constantly being called by Matt and Bonnie, so MJ was happy to give her one less thing to worry about, focusing on Jeremy herself.

MJ suggested sketching to turn his brain off, which managed to get him to sit on his bed, and once he was on his bed, he slowly drifted to sleep.

She crashed on his desk chair, knowing her back would be aching in the morning, but trying not to think about it too hard.

She had bigger things to worry about.

Damon hadn't just compelled Jeremy to forget Vicki's death, he'd taken away all of Jeremy's pain, and MJ didn't have the faintest clue what that meant for the big picture – how Jeremy would react to future pain related to Vicki.

In the morning, she woke up at her usual early time and headed into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

"MJ?" Jenna was rubbing her forehead, yawning and in pyjamas.

"Hey, Jenna," MJ tried for a smile, "You weren't here when I got Jeremy home last night – ah, yeah, I ended up crashing...Sorry, I shou – "

"Don't worry about it," Jenna put a hand up, looking to the already made coffee pot and pancake mix, "Wow, okay, you can stay whenever you want."

MJ managed a laugh.

"Um," Jenna's mood dropped again, "How is he?"

"He's...Is it bad to say I don't know?" MJ moved the first pancake to a plate and pushed it to her.

"Elena called me," Jenna spun the plate slowly, staring at it, "I should've been here but I was in a late-night lecture on campus – "

"Jenna," MJ stopped her, "You're here now."

Jenna started to tap a nail on the counter nervously.

"He seemed more confused than anything else," MJ admitted, filling the silence, "Where is Elena?"

"She ended up staying at Matt's last night," Jenna sighed.

MJ nodded, "I know Caroline was there too, and that his mum was sleeping through it."

Jenna rubbed her face.

"Not judging!" MJ quickly realised her voice had sounded a little too flat, "Like, I don't – There isn't a right – I – "

They both took a breath.

"I have no idea how I'd react in her position," Jenna took a seat on the counter to start eating the pancake, "And I'm so worried about Matt and how he's handling it, and it's all just so..."



Jeremy lumbered into the room to join them.

The silence was heavy.

He looked at Jenna, then at MJ and the pancake crackling in the pan.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Cooking is good for the soul," She summed up, "Wanna grab toppings for us since I don't know where you keep your 'poisons'?"

There was another pause, Jeremy scanning her face.

Then he nodded, "Uh, yeah, syrup or sugar, or whip cream?"

"I usually have lemon and sugar, but whatever you want."

He went to a cupboard, "You two not going to try and make me talk about it?"

"Talking can come later," Jenna relaxed a little, putting on her adult face, "For now, we eat the pancakes our guest is making us."

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