34: Crying Wolf

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They had a relatively normal week of school after the werewolf incident, so the girls had a second slumber party at Caroline's house to try and keep the good streak going. They all needed it. Two witches, a doppelgänger, and a vampire; sitting around, watching chic-flics, and stuffing their faces.

MJ was the first to wake up, face flushing red from the heat of all of them tangled together on Caroline's bed, buried beneath extra blankets and cushions.

She shimmed out of the mess of arms and climbed onto the internal windowsill, opening it so the breeze could blow over her before she accidentally set something on fire.

She was still on the windowsill when Elena's phone went off, able to laugh as Caroline shoved the girl off the bed.

"Go away!" Caroline buried her face in the pillow.

"Unf," Elena groaned, taking two minutes to ungracefully free herself from the blanket cocoon, then answering the phone, "Hello?"

Bonnie woke up too, "Shh."

"Elena," Caroline chucked a pillow at her, forcing Elena out of the room.

MJ lent her head out of the window.

"Oh my god," And Caroline was awake, "Get inside!"

"I'm not going to fall," MJ assured her, turning to dangle one leg out and one across, keeping her locked in.

"Why are you by the window?" Bonnie wrapped the thickest blanket around her.

"I'm boiling."

Caroline forced herself out of bed and pressed a hand to MJ's head, "Damn, you are."

She put both hands on her face.

"Can you be my human heater?"

"Happily," MJ wriggled her face in the hold, making Caroline's arms go floppy.

"Are we having to get up now?" Bonnie was hidden beneath the sheets, only her eyes and few strands of hair to act as evidence of life.

"I'll make pancakes?" MJ offered, "You don't have to get up till they're done."

Bonnie sat up, "No, no, you did breakfast last week."

"I like cooking."

"But slumber parties mean everyone helps," Bonnie shivered as her feet touched the wooden floor, grabbing a dressing gown then grabbing MJ's hands herself, "Oh my god, are you ill?"

"No," MJ laughed, stepping down to the ground, "I don't get ill."

Human ill anyway.

"I'm just naturally hot," She added a wink to make them giggle.

In the kitchen, they turned the radio up while getting to work, Caroline recording MJ and Bonnie singing a duet as they started up the waffle maker. Each word was overacted and dedicated to each other, in between laughs. Eventually, Elena came back to them, announcing that she and Stefan were going away for the weekend.

She packed up her stuff, gave Caroline a massive hug, then hurried out the door.

"Can I do a cyber stalk?" Caroline asked MJ.

"On who?"

"You said you still talk to your New York friends."

"I do."

"So can I follow them?"

"I guess?" MJ didn't see a problem with it, "Two of them have public accounts."

"Yay," Caroline pulled out her own phone and brought up Facebook and Twitter, "Names, please?"

"Go to my page and search who I follow," She instructed, "Look for Gina Martín-Pérez, Pria and Aaryan Yadav, and then Beni Haruki."

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