81: Chills Through The Day

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a/n: If you a young one, WARNING. Once MJ's at Ric's place there's gonna be some R-rated content (and it gets dirty) - don't read things that'll make you uncomfortable - Bea


MJ woke up in Kol's room.

It had been two and a bit weeks since her trip to New Orleans, and she'd accidentally fallen asleep in Klaus's art room three times, waking up in Kol's bed every time. She didn't know if that was Klaus's version of a nice gesture, but she wasn't complaining.

Rich people just had nicer beds; so alternating between the Lockwood's, and the Mikaelson Mansion was getting her sleep patterns in order.

MJ got up, showered, then decided to snoop.

She'd been making her way through the entire house trying to find Rebekah, assuming Klaus would want her close since the White Oak Stake was still out there, but it was beginning to feel like MJ was wrong in that assumption.

She had her earphones in, talking to Kol as she searched.

"I'm going to rip his eyes out."

"For daggering Rebekah?"

"For spending so much time with you!"

She laughed, "We just sketch, and then I wake up in your room."

"Yes, but it's Klaus," Kol wasn't happy, "He can't be trusted, and when you're asleep, you're - "

"Don't you dare say defenceless."

"Not defenceless...but it is true," He mumbled the last bit, "Compulsion may not work on you, MJ, but he can still get in your head if he decides that's what he wants to do. And it's Klaus! Who knows what he's making your brain do when you're asleep."

"Exactly, it's Klaus. He knows that if he tried something like that, I would bury him six feet under."


"Are you actually angry right now?" She teased.

She wasn't. She found the entire situation hilarious.


"Jealous much."


At least he was open about it.

"I'm jealous and competitive, and I don't trust my brother."

"Do you trust anyone, though?" MJ entered the next room, scanning for; a coffin, a secret door, or a cupboard large enough to store Rebekah.

The Mikaelson's seemed like the type of family to have secret doors and literal skeletons in closets.

"I will say I trust him more than I trust your friends."

She tended a little, "My friends?"

"That Salvatore you're close with. I don't trust him at all."


"He looks at you too long."

MJ laughed again, "He's literally in love with the doppelgänger."

"It only takes one moment to change how you view someone, and his face looked ready for that moment the last time I saw him."

"You only think that because you thought Stefan and I were together when you first showed up."


MJ paused, pulling books on the shelf, trying to find a fake one that would trigger some secret super-villain passage, "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"

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