11: Bloodlines

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 MJ walked quickly through the streets of Mystic Falls, Tyler just behind since he didn't have a clue where she was leading him. He just knew it was away from the things he didn't want to think about. They were in the town square and she suddenly came to a holt, smiled, and stretched out her arms. She spun to look at Tyler. He just blinked.

She gestured, then ran her fingers through her hair, shaking it out slightly.

"I don't know what you want me to say, we're in the town square?"

"It's a sweet spot," She said with a 'duh' voice.

"A what?"

"A sweet spot."

"I...don't, know, what that is..."

"Then it's not one for you," She frowned.

He was worried what that meant, "I mean if you explain it a little?"

"Okay," She twisted the feather in her hair, "Well, it's a place where I feel most spiritual."

"I'm not exactly religious,"

"Neither am I, well, okay, things are complicated, the universe is massive, who knows what's out there - and I'm a believer in fate, but also a believer in your ability to take control of your fate."

She'd gotten off-topic.

"Finding a place where you feel spiritual isn't about suddenly finding god, it's about finding your spirit. Your peace, and for everyone it's different. For me, it's the way the universe sounds when it's completely uninterrupted," Her voice turned wistful, "When the noises you don't even realise you hear every day suddenly come to the surface, it's like." 

She held up her hand to listen to the silence sing.

Tyler looked around, waiting to notice something, and though there was a tugging in his stomach, it wasn't anything life-changing.

"You're like a real hippie," He commented.

She cracked a smile, "Don't mock me, we're gonna find yours, even if it takes us all night."

"We have school tomorrow,"

"Like you care about that?"

"But you do,"

"You think I've got my grades without pulling all-nighters?"

"Fair enough," He looked around again, it was nearly midnight and no one was about, "It could take a really long time to find one spot in the whole town."

"It's not one spot, I've found like five since I moved here, and, we're going to go through mine and see if any of them click with you too."

"It's not like a one-person only kinda spot?"

"Some are, if it's a spot with sentimental value, but others are just points the universe left for people to find."

He snorted.

"Don't mock me!"

"I'm not!"

She crossed her arms, "You seriously don't feel anything here?"


"Fine," She was very determined, "Follow me."

She planned the route to the next spot as he happily followed. She noticed him looking at the moon. The full moon.

"What you thinking about?"

"My Uncle Mason's into all this spiritual cr-stuff."

"The Lockwood 'black sheep'," It was her turn to mock him a little.

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