08: 162 Candles

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MJ had gotten a text from Stefan. The Sheriff wanted to talk to a group of them about Vicki 'leaving town', and though MJ had managed to narrowly avoid being in that group, she still needed to know the cover story in case Matt mentioned her in his version of the Halloween Carnival. MJ felt like she should factor a trip to the Salvatore House into her daily planner. She still got slight shivers looking at the place, reliving the fear she'd had when escaping Damon, but they'd gotten the windows fixed and they were trying to get on with their lives, so she was too.

She stepped through the door and felt a gust of wind, then a clatter.

"I'm not scared of you, Damon!" She closed the door and headed into the living room, "Stefan?"

Another gust.

"Come on, enough with the theatrics."



"Up here," a feminine voice made MJ jump.

She turned to face the hanging balcony that overlooked the living room and saw a woman with straight blonde hair, bangs, wearing a rocker t-shirt, standing on the wrong side of the bannister. Only a vampire would. 

She jumped down to the floor.

"Are you Elena or the Floare?"


"You don't sound too sure," The woman teased.

MJ crossed her arms, "Who are you?"

"Lexi," she smiled, "A friend of Stefan's."

"A fanged one?" She wanted to check.


MJ sighed, "Nice to meet you I guess."

Lexi laughed, "I guess?"

"We've been having vampire trouble recently."

"Yeah, Stefan caught me up," she nodded, "But a Floare! I haven't met one of you guys in a century."

MJ's eyes went wide.

"Don't worry, whatever you're hiding from, I won't snitch."

MJ didn't answer that.

"I mean, Stefan seems to think you moved here with your parents, but I know Floare travel in troupes, and if you aren't using it as your last name, your hiding from yours."

"I'm not hiding from my troupe," MJ spoke slowly, "My mum left it."

"Why be secretive then?" Lexi took a step towards her.

"Not being secretive," MJ matched her, stepping forward too, "Jung is my dad's last name, so it's mine." 

"Why not just explain that you're a Floare witch to Stefan then?" 

Stefan had really gone full confessional with this girl.

They both stepped forward at the same time, an arm's reach away from each other.

"I don't involve vampires in witch business."

"But you get involved with vampire business?"

"You want Stefan dealing with the train wreck that is Damon Salvatore on his own?"

They were staring intensely at each other, and slowly, Lexi smiled.

"I like you."

MJ stepped back to break the tension completely, "How much information did you get out of Stefan?"

"That you told him to look up Floare, that you're a witch, and that you make your hands glow and his knees buckle."

MJ snorted, "There's a euphemism in there."

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