60: Stories We Share

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Once they were at the top of the Empire State Building, MJ was happy she hadn't forced Kol to go straight to the next place. It was as busy as ever, so they were surrounded by people who were all trying to get good photos, spot things going on beneath them, and gossip about the other people on the viewing deck, but, none of that mattered. She was able to get the pictures she wanted, and she was finally able to say she'd been to the top of the Empire State Building.

It wasn't something you did when you actually lived in the city.

But, MJ was a person who loved heights; and getting to stand against the barriers, she let the wind hit her face, melting her stress away.

Her hands came up to catch in the wind too, glancing around as she slowly moved her fingers. Kol was observing her while he moved through the crowd, noticing how she muttered a spell under her breath. He could feel the wind pick up slightly, water forming along her fingertips then snaping into tiny flower petals that drifted down to the city.

She smiled.

He bit his lip, and returned to her side, MJ turning to look at him.

"You had something to eat yet?"

Kol tilted his head up, an innocent half-smile


"As long as you were smart about where you dumped the body."

He pulled out his own phone to mimic her whole photo-taking routine, "You think so low of me!"

"Am I wrong?"

"Yes, actually," He took a picture of her, and she wasn't sure she wanted to see it.

Her hair would be blowing in a million different directions.

"Bite, wiped, and sent on their way."

"And why did you do that?"

"You're here vampire hunting," He looked her up and down, teasingly, "Don't want to end up on your hit list."

"V funny."

"No point leaving a body right now."

"Do you need a point?" She asked, "And this isn't a judgment thing by the way."

"Isn't it?"

"Nope," She answered honestly, "You said you didn't care because, because that's the only way it can be fun...due you genuinely think that's true?"

"Come on, MJ," He lent against the barrier with her, shoulders pressed against each other, faces towards the public, backs to the city, "You're a witch. You use magic for fun, not goat sacrifice -"

"So, I get the pull to chaos?"


He took a picture of them together – enjoying the half task she'd set him for the day far more than she'd expected.

Just their faces and the sky.

"There's a difference between chaotic murder and chaotic magic."

"Is there?" He didn't sound convinced.

"The chaos in magic is just nature. It's the winds ability to change speed and direction, animals beating the odds and outsmarting predators," MJ related to that comment, "The mysteries that lead to discoveries. Free will...Everyone's unique, chaotic, but still has unity underneath that. That's magic."

He looked at the faces, letting her smile and enjoy her ramble.

She expected him to say something else, which would be her cue to remind him that she wasn't judging, just commenting.

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