95: The Happiness Challenge

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a/n: the last chapter got more comments than any before by like thirty so 💗💗

(I went from never getting more than 20, to Homecoming having 70, Ball chapters hitting around 120, and now 160 - just aaaaaa)

Love all of you for reading and engaging - xx Bea

Caroline actually smiled as she stepped into the main dance area.

She was incredibly late for the Prom she'd technically organised, but she'd arrived in a dress that made her feel like royalty, so it was kind of worth it.

Losing the red one had almost ruined her day, but when she'd texted MJ about it, MJ had just told her to go ask Klaus.

-          Klaus? No way.


'The red dress I made you is nice, but the Mikaelson collection is gorgeous.'

Caroline had expected MJ to get upset about Elena nicking one of her designs, but she brushed the casual attitude off as MJ trying to keep her calm until the end of the school year.

The room was filled with her classmates having fun, and the fairy lights on the ceiling glittered like stars, Caroline hoping it was an omen that she could have the good night she desperately needed.

"So," Elena slid in her way, "How do I look?

"Are you kidding me?"

And Caroline's good mood was killed.

"You look like a back-stabbing bi – " She was cut off by Stefan appearing behind Elena, giving her a stern look, "The dress is beautiful, and it brings out your eyes."

"Thanks," Elena shrugged innocently, "I thought I'd do it a favour."

Caroline went to say something else, but Stefan just grabbed her hand, "Caroline, why don't you come dance with me, hm?"

Caroline let herself be led away while Elena enjoyed her momentary win.

Initially, Elena had planned to tell Caroline that MJ claimed to have known the dress would go missing, pointing out how her friend could've warned her, but...Elena didn't want to say it until she was sure it was true.

If MJ was lying, she'd look like an idiot for believing it, which would be a win for MJ, and if it was the truth, it wasn't exactly something for Elena to boast about.

"If you hear screaming, feel free to come pry him off me."

Earlier that day, MJ left the Mikaelson Family breakfast room to look for Klaus.

She thought he would've gone to his art room, to brood and paint, and roar like the drama Queen he was, but he hadn't.

Klaus had gone upstairs.

She poked her head in the first few rooms, before eventually spotting the open door to the office. The room Esther had used to plot murder – the room with a balcony overlooking the estate's front.

The Mikaelson Mansion was beautiful, but MJ couldn't help but prefer the Lockwood one. It felt more open plan and accepting, full of lighter colours in the main corridors, and the gardens?

The estate was out of her childhood fantasies.

After Carol's death, MJ had missed visiting Klaus's art room, but that was more about the atmosphere than the actual the location.

She could just exist in an environment where both people there were content with who they were, knowing exactly who the other person was too, sitting and sketching with someone.

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