75: Things Are Easier Across An Ocean

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MJ woke up on a plane, a private jet to be specific, Klaus smirking in the chair opposite her.

She instantly set him on fire.

He didn't panic, more irritated about having to pat himself down than the act itself, watching MJ slowly realise where they were, and having to make the choice. She could either; attack him or stand down.

Through the window, she would see the ocean.

MJ sunk into the seat.

"No fight?" He challenged.

"Do you want me to crash the plan?" She wasn't about to explode at him when doing so would send them both to the ground, "We gotta have a serious talk about boundaries."

She undid her seatbelt to stand up.

"This is the second time you've kidnapped me, and it cannot become a habit."

MJ stretched her back, cracking it, before sighing and sitting back down.

"You're taking me to Italy?"

"I expected more of a tantrum," He complained.

"I think I wounded your pride enough," She had kinda brought the knocking out upon herself, "If I'm trapped with you for the next day or two, I can only come up with so many lectures on the spot."

"You do seem to enjoy lecturing me."

"It feeds into my superiority complex," She mused sarcastically.

"Yet you don't want the wider world to know who you are?"

She frowned.

"You were terrified by the prospect of people looking for 'The Witch Who Broke The Hybrid Curse.'"

MJ had known what he'd meant, she just wasn't sure what she wanted to say about it.

"I'm not necessarily complaining," He took a drink from a compelled air hostess travelling with them, "The fewer people who know about you, the better for me. But, it was something...watching you get jittery for no reason."

"No reason?"

"There's a house full of hybrids under order to make sure nothing happens to you."

As he'd spoken, her eyes had landed on the tiny screen showing their flight path behind him.



She just nodded, still watching the tiny plane animation.


That snapped her awake, "Yeah?

"Why aren't you answering back?"

"I just..." She had several reasons, "I don't like the idea of people looking for me – and I like the idea of people looking for you even less."

"Nice to know you care, love."

"Ha, ha," She inspected the drink in his cup, "I don't like your sires."

He paused, "Marcel Gerard."

"Sums it up."

Klaus sat up a little, "I didn't know he was still alive until you told me he was."

"Fun for you," MJ was dry-toned, and not in the mood to talk about it.

Klaus was scanning her body language.

She let her irritation pop out again, "What?"

"You're really that scared of him?"

Rebel Just For Kicks: Kol Mikaelson [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora