72: Memorial

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a/n: Remember to like and comment. I like to know what you're thinking and feeling about things :) - Bea xx

"So what did Klaus mean when he said that thing about you wanting payback on Rebekah for 1914?" MJ asked, "Wasn't that the year you were daggered?"

It had been just under a week since everything had happened.

The group had gone plan their next move, only to learn that the Young Farm had exploded, the council inside it. Their problem was solved. Solved tragically and confusingly, but solved, and MJ was trying to get back to normal.

She still hadn't unpacked, the itch to bolt and start over sitting in the back of her mind, leaving her to cope through fashion. Making clothes kept her too busy to think about Ric. Making them and then shipping them off to people.

Clothes and Kol.

She'd been talking to him.

It was morning for her, and early evening for him, and he'd just showered, so was sitting on a hotel bed shirtless. He was almost always shirtless. It felt like he was taunting her a little, but she was never someone to back down from a challenge, so with each video call, her tops got a little bit lower cut.

"She was the reason I was daggered."

MJ raised an eyebrow.

"I was trying to get the diamond I told you about back, and Rebekah snitched on me."

"And that got you daggered?"

"The diamond could be used to make a weapon against Klaus."

"That makes more sense," She leant down to pick something up, Kol trying not to smile at the view that gave him, "Where are you?"

"France. Found a coven I used to be familiar with," He stretched back, flexing just a little, "Getting reacquainted."

"Ah, 'reacquainted'."

"Jealous, darling?"

"One less vampire I need to be on speed dial for," MJ tried to play it cool.

Of course, Kol was with witches, and of course, he'd be having his fun with them. He had no reason not to. She'd left. Sure, they were talking every day, but she'd still left, and it wasn't like they were 'dating'.

He just made her feel incredibly light.

"Yes," He frowned a little, "All your vampire friends."

"Speaking of, the Salvatore's have the White Oak Stake," She thought he had a right to know, "Specifically, Damon."

"Any way you could nick it for me?"

She laughed, "They're not letting me near it."

Her phone beeped.

-          Need an extra set of hands, you free to work today?

The Manager at the Grill.

"Have fun with your witches, I gotta – "

"They're surprisingly dull."

MJ paused at how quickly he'd spoken, trying to make her smile less obvious.

"I just set the bar too high," She grabbed the blue Grill shirt from her closet, about to remove her casual one when she caught his eye.

She moved just out of frame.

"You tease me."

"Not like you could do anything through the computer screen anyway," Her voice went a little bit higher, "Send me a picture."

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