20: Miss Mystic Falls

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MJ felt extremely weird working out at school. She and Tyler had started a routine of going to the Leisure Centre once a week before their winter fallout, and they'd just started it up again when he got grounded for the rest of his life. They were making do. He was allowed to go to school so they were using the track, but working out first thing meant showering in the changing rooms, which was not ideal.

It had been a few weeks since the Kick-Off party, and after she'd gotten dressed for the day, she'd met with Tyler round the front of the building, chugging a smoothie.

"Why aren't you giving me shit?" He asked when she offered him some.

"About the Founder's Party?"

"Yes, the Founder's Party," He nodded, "You're such an opinionated person but you haven't said a thing about it."

MJ looked at him, snorted, looked away, looked back, then started laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me!"

She couldn't take him seriously, "You made out with Matt's mum!"

It was kinda hilarious. It was awful and gross, but hilarious.

"In what world is someone's mum attractive!"

Tyler stared at her, "I think I prefer it when you're mean to me."

"Ty," Her eyes were watering a little bit, "You, made out, with his mother!"

She couldn't get through the last word without laughing again, placing her hands over her face and screaming into them. She hadn't brought it up because she wasn't able to think about it without screaming and having a bit of a breakdown laughing.

She shook herself back to reality, "Okay, I'm ready to talk about it."

"You suck."

"Want me to punch you like Matt did?"

He actually considered that option.

"Sorry, dude, I'm just never gonna be able to forget it," She admitted, "I'm never gonna mention it in front of Matt, I wouldn't do that to him, but, man – "

"Okay!" He stopped her, "You've made your point! You think it's hilarious!"

"I think it's icky!" She corrected, "This is me reaching peak insanity because it makes me so uncomfortable to think about – his mum!"

He started to laugh too, rubbing his face in his hands and shaking his head in despair.

"I've blown any sliver of a chance I still had of getting with you, haven't I?"

"Completely," She nodded, "Though, you did get me bingo. 'A Founder does something 'memorable' and 'There's a guest who has too much fun,' were my last two on my card."

"So happy to have given you that small victory."

"It's greatly appreciated."

He sighed.

"And you may have completely blown your chances, but that means we're one hundred per cent just friends now, and friendship last way longer anyway."

He stuck his tongue into one cheek and laughed a final time, "You're really not gonna give me shit about it?"

"K, pause," She needed to get a small thing out in the open, "If the genders were swapped, Kelly would be getting arrested. You are a minor and the reaction people are having is such a double standard."

Tyler stilled, "I hadn't even thought about that."

"Ty, I'm not going to give you shit for it – you were drunk, she may have been drunk too, but she's still an adult. She's the one in the wrong."

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