He came and joined in on the group hug. "I love you Eloise" he said and started to lean in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine.

   Just as our lips were about to touch a loud shrill ring came to my ears.

     My eyes shot open and I was no longer standing in front of Anthony or holding my baby boy in my arms. I was now in my bedroom, the one that I knew all too well.

    I was dreaming.

   I turned off the alarm and sat up in bed. My hair was all over the place. I tried smoothing it out before I took up my phone and checked my notifications. At the top of the list was a reminder.

      2 Month Check Up at Noon.

I checked my time and saw that it was now 10:00. Well duh, that's the time I set for my alarm anyways.

   The house was empty, the twins being gone to work already. Today is Thursday and I need to get ready for my appointment or I'm going to be late.

    I straightened the covers on my bed and went to the closet to get my outfit for the day. I got a simple purple tank top and a flowy black skirt. I got a black lacy camisole and also threw it on my bed along with the other clothes.

     I went into my bathroom and stripped my clothing. I rubbed my hand over my stomach and turned to the mirror to look at myself.

    My stomach had grown tremendously in the time span of a month and a half. I was now a little over 2 months pregnant, probably 3 days or so over but my stomach was now the size of a medium sized cantaloupe.

      I quickly had a shower and washed my hair. I smelled like vanilla and cinnamon. I love it so much.

    After drying my hair and putting it into a ponytail I got dressed. I tucked the tank top into the waistline of the skirt and put on my camisole, leaving it open so it flowed with the wind.

     I retrieved a prenatal from my medicine cabinet and grabbed my purse and phone before going to the kitchen.

     I got a bottle of water from the refrigerator, took my prenatal then proceeded to make myself some breakfast. I didn't have a lot of time left before 11:30, which is when Benjamin was coming to get me, so I settled on some cereal.

    Just as I rinsed the dish and placed it in the dishwasher I heard a honk outside.

    I got my water bottle and my stuff, took my key from the hook and exit the house, closing the door behind me.

     At the end of the driveway was a black SUV and Anthony stood by the open car door smiling at me.

   His broad shoulders pushed against the material of his white close fitting button up shirt. He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his top button was open. He had on a pair of black work pants and dress shoes.

    "Goodmorning Love" he said and that brought back the memories of my dream I had this morning.

    My cheeks flushed, making me wish I had left my hair down. Why would he call me love? 'Oh yea, he's English, dont think too much on it Elly'.

    "Goodmorning Anthony. I thought Benjamin was coming to get me" I said, walking towards him and his vehicle.

    "I decided to take the day off today and spend it with you. I always get so distracted or busy whenever I make plans with you. So I'm dedicating today to you and get to know you better" he said and I smiled a genuine smile.

    "Ready to go?" he asked and I nodded. He stepped aside, allowing me to enter the car before he closed the door for me. He walked around the front of the car and I watched him with affection. I noticed him wave to someone across the street before he opened his own car door and sat down.

   "Who was that?" I asked, pulling my seat belt across my chest, adjusting it so it went across my stomach comfortably.

    "I don't know, it's your neighbour I guess. It's an old lady" he said and pointed through his window at an old lady standing in her yard, apparently watering her flowers.

    "Oh ok" I smiled. He's so polite, this just adds to his charm.

    I can't stop thinking about my dream and how he said he loved me. If only it were true and not just a dream but I cant dwell on that thought because he's a married man.

    On that thought, I haven't seen Ruth or heard about her in the longest while. It's not my place to ask anyways so I'll just leave that in my thoughts.

   "How are you feeling today?" he asked me. Pulling me from my thought. I noticed we were already on our way and about to enter the highway.

     "I'm ok, I feel like my hormones are on an extra high though. I felt extra sick last night" I told him.

   "Oh maybe you could mention that to the doctor today" he said and I nodded. We were quiet for the rest of the drive.

       I've been getting nauseous every night around 10 but last night was really bad. Oh well, I guess that's what they call morning sickness but ironically mine comes in the night.

    I rub my stomach subconsciously and smile, remembering my baby boy in my arms. I cant wait to meet you baby.


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