Chapter Forty Seven~Thunder Spears

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I stood up and stared. The Beast Titan was a Titan shifter.

He was the third.

There's a giant shake I turn around to see Reiner, hands, and feet harden begin to climb the Wall. Erwin steps out "Soldiers! You are not yet to engage the Armored Titan! Maintain a safe distance!"

"Yes sir!" we all shout and stead ourselves. I stood by Erwin and look over at him "You have us halt to find there strategy?"

"We all know the strategy, it's to wipe us out. We need to find a break in it."

I look over at the Beast Titan, next to him was a titan on all fours carrying something on it's back. I point to it "There, it's got cargo. So then I didn't transform just now...I think it's safe to assume that that's the scout that spotted us and that it's another Titan Shifter."

The Beast Titan raises his hand and slams it on the ground, the smaller titans around us began a charge. They're going for the horses just like that night at the castle. They want to kill us all here, but with that, they want to capture Eren and I.

Everyone knows that and everyone is more confident in the mission because they feel in a sense they won. Cause they think that I'm not here, so they can't me. This was the thought that haunted Erwin and I's mind, if they found out we would lose moral of the troops leading to our downfall.

"Sir! What now the Armored Titan is almost up! Bertholdt hasn't shown yet, but he must be nearby!" reports Armin as the Wall shakes again. 

"Yes, I'm well aware." says Erwin who then goes silent before looking to Levi "You finally ready to say something, Erwin? Been waiting so long, I could've made breakfast." he asks.

Erwin faces one side of the wall "Dirk Squad and Marlene Squad, too! Join Klaus Squad and protect the horses at the gate! Levi Squad and Hanji Squad I need you to take down the Armored Titan! Employ the Thunder Spears at your own discretion. Do whatever it takes to achieve your objective! This is our moment! Our chance to strike! The fate of humankind depends on this battle! Lay down your hearts and lives one final time, for humanity!"

"Yes sir!!!"

And with that, all the Squads jump off to complete their missions "Kidda, I want to capture any Titan Shifter we can. If you can I want you to take control of them." commands Erwin, I look at my right hand "Sir I've only ever done it twice. A regular titan I can do, but I wasn't able to control Annie!"

"You didn't know you could at the time but you've grown. For you, it won't be so much as a battle in the body but a battle in the mind, you are stronger. If we get the chance that is your mission. Armin, Levi hold on! Hanji can lead both your Squads I need you both here." commands Erwin making them stop.

"So I'll protect the horses instead of Eren?" asks Levi.

"That's right. And when the chance arises you'll strike him down," says Erwin pointing his sword at the Beast Titan "You're the only soldier I can trust to dispatch the Beast Titan."

Levi takes a second before nodding "Understood sir. I wasn't fast enough to finishes off the Armored one earlier, but I'll atone for that by taking the Beast Titan's head." finishes Levi and he jumps off the Wall.

Levi could do it if anyone. But worry still ate away at me, he thought I was safe, but I didn't know if he would be. Erwin turns to Armin and I "I have a plan for the Armored Titan, too. We have to win on fronts to secure victory. I can handle one the other, I'll leave to you and Hanji. I'm going to use Eren and Kidda as bait."

Armin's eyes widen "Kidda?"

Well no use in hiding it from him, I look over and take off my hood "Hey Armin."

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