Chapter Thirty Four~Aged Bonds

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Trost was alive today!

Like a festival was happening!

And my hair felt weird, it's like your hair's up but it's not. How does Historia wear her hair like this! "Try not to walk clusters together. We'll stand out. Eren and Historia just act normal." says Levi to Jean and me.

I look up and around "Why's the royal flag everywhere?" I ask. Sasha turns back to me "Today must be the anniversary of the king's coronation Once a year they hand out extra rations to celebrate it."

That what it sounded like from a platform I could hear MPs shout out that the king had given more food and people flocked to get some, they were hungry it made me feel sorry considering I got food every day.

"He doesn't need it all. Easier to control people when they're not starving," explains Levi as we keep moving. I knew something was gonna come, but not fight back was gonna be hard. Just then Levi stops.

"Behind us! Look out!"

I turn around to see a horse-drawn cart coming barling towards us. Everyone dives out of the way as me and Jean all hauled up and throw into the cart. At least they took the bite, the real Eren and Historia are in a concealed cart across town.

It didn't take long before the two us were tied into chairs in a warehouse. Jean's guard leaves, but mine stays. Why is he staying? He gets closer to me and begins rubbing my shoulders. SHIT! "What a pretty girl you are, even better then I imagined."

I was getting hit on, great! Jean looked at me worried and I sent him the kind of gaze that meant I'm gonna be okay. He knows how tough I am. The guard's hand begins to slide down to my chest "What's this? A present for me?"

This guy was such a perv!

I crane my head away, gritting my teeth as he begins to paw at me "Let me hear how much you like it."

You wish! Oh, okay now I'm in some hot water. I hope the guys get here soon "Well hows that feels good, doesn't it? Come on, I'm dying to hear that sweet voice." he says leaning his breath on my neck "Just give me one little moan, lovely. You know you want to."

I let a squeak as my shoulders get squeezed. Okay, Levi, I love you, but I'm never doing this for you again! I suck in a breath trying my best not to speak. But I don't understand, these kidnappers aren't the best?

Why not use the best if you're the government? Thankfully Mikasa jumped down and knocked out the guard, but didn't give me time to thank her before hiding again.

Just then the door opens and four men walk-in, wait that's the guy who slowed up the evacuation when Trost fell. Mr. Reeves "You sure about this? These are the two we're lookin' for?"

"Yeah, they fit the descriptions we were given to s tee." says one of the men. The one right behind Mr. Reeves looked like him, maybe his son?

"Huh? Where's the guard?" he asks.

Mikasa jumps out and knees one in the face and throws the other goon over her shoulder. Jean and I break out of our chairs throwing our disguises off. Mikasa takes Mr. Reeves pinning him down and I take his son who looked at me scared.

Jean and Armin tied the other two up "Conny! Are these four really all of them?" asks Mikasa. Conny nods "Yeah, that's all! No one else in the area!"

Mr. Reeves pulls out a gun and I step on his hand making him drop it "All right! First, we get these guys secured. Then we meet up with the Captain." says Mikasa standing "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Those are his orders. He left a message, too. It's not just titans anymore, we're fighting people too. Our guard needs to be up so to get there we take Kid's lead." says Mikasa as she hands me ODM Gear.

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