Chapter Forty-One~I'll Never Forget Again

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"You've been asleep far too long."

I gasp and wake up, I was in a small apartment, I was in a bed, but the voice came from the woman sitting in the chair next to it drawing something. I sit on the bed and look over at her.

Andriana Fritz...

"Mom." I breath out.

She stops short and looks over at me in shock "Y-You know?"

I nod my head as she softly smiles and begins to tear up "I was so worried when I couldn't speak to you. I didn't know what had happened until a few hours ago. My baby girl, you don't remember much do you?" 

"I don't know what's real, that's the problem," I say, she stands and motions for me to follow her. She holds up the drawing for me, it was really good! Such detail! It was a picture of her and a baby "You were so little then."

That was me?

I smile and nod "You're very good."

"And you're a good person, you just misguided. You have friends who want to help you more than anything and thanks to them I can show you this," she says opening the door and walking out, I follow behind her.

It looked as we're walking on the night sky pictures swirled around us, the sight was beautiful "What are all these?"

"Your memories...Your true memories."

This was all real all of this is what really happened in my life. My mother takes my hand and brings me over to one that showed a little me and her in our apartment in the Underground, just then the door opened and Kenny walked in. I run over and hugged him, he picked me up and all of us laugh.

"Good morning Kenny." says mom.

"Mornin' Andriana. Might I saw your drawings get better every time I come over."

I look over at my mom "Kenny was very kind to us, I owe him so much for being a father too you."

"Did dad not like you?" I ask, she waves her hands "No, your biological father was a kind and gentleman. His brother the one who made us, you know. Uri wanted to meet so badly before he had to pass on his power, Rod claimed you were too much of a danger."

We walk over to another memory, I was in Shiganshina with Kenny "So I was tested on, wasn't I? Rod did try to have me killed until Kenny said he'd take care of me."

My mother nods "And that's also why when Rod went to inject you, Kenny protested. Because Rod had already taken away your memory once. I was devastated when he did."

My eyes grow and I turn to her "You were there? Did you rejoin the Scouts afterword?"

"I meet up with an old friend first and then yes I did go back with the Scouts for one last mission and then I was listed M.I.A. beyond the Walls."

I grit my teeth "But your still out there? Are you alive?"

She smiles "I can't tell you that until you learn the truth."

I walk to the center of the area and turn back to her waving my arms "What truth? What do I need to know?!"

She walks over and takes my hands "Remember, the cellar, you have the final key...My time must be short, but I'll always be here."

What! She can't leave! "But I still don't know everything!"

"You will when you wake, but I have to go-"

"Wait! What's my name at least give me that." I plead, she raises a hand to my cheek "When you were born I gave you the name Kaiomay because of your eyes."

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