Chapter Eleven~Five Years Back In Trost

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The Colossal. 

It was there. 

Just then a huge gush of wind pushed up all around. Some even fell off the wall   

"It's hot!" I scream as I steadied myself on the wall. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest it sent a stabbing pain to run through me. But when I looked down below me... I saw... A hole in the wall...That's what the wind was from.

"OKAY, PEOPLE! THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT WE'VE BEEN TRAINING FOR! FIGHT OR DIE!" Eren shouted. I take my stance, this titan pissed me off this wasn't going to be like last time "EREN'S RIGHT IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" I shout.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins. The Colossal Titan looked down at Eren, before it raised its gigantic hand, and brought it down towards him. He quickly sprinted away, before the two of us leaped over its arm. 

I grapple into the air like Eren and swing up only to see the cannons decimated! He wasn't aiming for Eren, he was taking out the cannons. He planned this! Me and Eren circle around to the back of the nape but not before hot stream flew, blasting us back onto the wall.

My skin was scorching hot, as the steam hit against me. Eren kneels down, no this wasn't over. "DIE!!!" I scream in anger jumping up to grapple onto it. But I was only pulled to the other side of the disappeared. 

I rolled down onto my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"Wh-what... what just happened..." Sasha breathed out, looking completely horrified.

I clench my fist "Dammit! I should've killed him!"

"It's not your fault okay? Look at us... we where all too scared to move." says one cadet.

"It doesn't matter okay! We have to seal up the hole before the titans start pouring in!" Conny says, trembling slightly in fear. We all turn to see Garrison soldiers had come. "Look alive! Operation Colossal Titan is now in effect! I expect you all to take part! Report to HQ! If you got close to the damn thing we need details!"

"Sir!" we all saluted.

"Sir! We pray the advance team will be victorious!" says Conny.

The Titans were about to get in. Shiganshina...Trost will collapse.

Together we all quickly went and flew across the city to HQ as quickly as we could. Once all of us were ready we stood at command in the courtyard, and before us stood Commander Vermin, who gave us our orders.

"I want everyone to split into four squads just like we practiced! All squads are responsible for supply running, message relay and enemy combat under the command of the Garrison Regiment! The intercept squad will be taking the vanguard! Cadets will be taking the middle guard led by the support squad! Rearguard will go to the elite! I expect you all to stand your ground, knowing that the advance team has been completely wiped out! That's right! The outer gate is history! The Titans are in! This means the Armored Titan is likely to reappear! If and when he does, the inner gate will also be history!" 

People began to whisper.

"Quiet!" Vermin boomed "Right, those at the vanguard be ready! The whole area is well nigh saturated! Your mission is a very simple one: defend the wall until the evacuation is done! Now, be aware that if you were to desert your position, you will be punished by execution! If it comes to it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!"

"Sir!" everyone cried out with a salute. 

The crying and praying started on a dime.

I could only dream.

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