C~62: Miscalculations

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Clenching my fist, I stare out at the white-haired Titan that has sprung from the ground, all at the cries of children "The coward shows himself." Mikasa states, but the Armored Titan was different now spikes came from his shoulders as if gem-like.

Chuckling a little a look at her, "You would ignore the sound of kids screaming your name?"

Nodding her head, we both turn back to the Titan standoff "Touche'." she finishes. The two run at each other as Reiner strikes his fist out first, ducking Eren lands a blow straight on Reiner's jaw, blasting him backward. I cough at the dust that builds only to find Eren was no longer holding the Jaw.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, Mikasa speaks, "The Jaw was never our goal; it would be opportunistic if anything...I miss her too, but we have what we came for." she reasons, making me sigh.

I didn't want to come back empty-handed for Historia's sake; in a way we weren't, we would be coming back with more than we could ever hope for on a mission like this. Eren's Titan releases steam as I and Mikasa land on its shoulders while Eren emerges.

We stand silent, taking in the images of each other. His hair was longer, he had facial hair now, it was now clear I wasn't the only one who has grown up even if I've always been older. Staring at Reiner, Eren speaks, "I think the fight's over. We're out of strength."

"At this point, I can't exactly kill Reiner," Eren speaks standing, Mikasa turns away, readying her gear "In that case, let's go back home."

I feel a hand on my wrist and turn to Eren. "Kidda... I'm sorry I let go of the Jaw," he admits. Taking his hand, I sigh "It's not what we came here for."

As the airship passes overhead, Mikasa takes hold of Eren, the two of us firing our grapples into the wood. Repelling over the city, I take note of the destruction we've caused; back and forth, our two nations chase each other.

Slamming against the wood, I let my blades fall, taking fist fulls of netting in my hand. Mikasa and Eren land closer to the door as other Scouts swing around guarding the rear "Jean!!!" I call out; turning back to me, he waves his gun, "Get on board; we can take it from here!"

Furrowing my brows, I nod, turning back to the door where I see Armin helping Eren and Mikasa on. Making my way over, Armin takes my hand sadly, smiling. "You said you would wear armor." he strains, pulling me up.

A loud thud is heard as we turn to see Eren slump against a wall and Levi's leg land on the floor. Two other Scouts run over, aiming guns at Eren as Levi stalks between them "This brings back memories, Eren. You have such a clickable face. After you're tied up, we'll have a chat."

"Eren explained everything in the letters, Captain," I state. The soldiers turn to me and begin to lower their guns. Nodding, I motion my hand. "Stand down; he's fine." I state, kneeling down in front of Eren, checking over where Levi hit him, "Four years later, you still act like I'm a kid." Eren muses.

"Old habits die hard." I start taking my hands away "I'll get you first-aid." giving him a second smile, I stand almost knocking into Levi; his arms were crossed, and so was his attitude "Your Majesty, that's my prison-"

"Eren is my subject and friend, Captain."

"Yes, but there are certain conditions that need to meet for the safety of others."

"I am well aware, and I have already put such measures in place." I dismiss, putting my hands on my hips. Anytime this happens, the room always goes silent. Hearing a groan, we all turn our heads towards Zeke, who I now notice is up against the back wall and has Titan steam coming from all limbs.

Gritting my teeth, I hold my forehead shaking it "You can never commit to half; you have to put in a full day." I mumble, turning to Yelena, "No need to rush but check how many First-Aids are aboard."

Taking off her fake beard and hat, she nods as I hear Levi chuckle "What'd you say-"

"Was it necessary to cut off limbs!" I ask, Levi's eye twitches as he takes a long breath "Yeah, well, the plan was to put on a convincing show."

"No excuses-"

"Kidda!" shouts Zeke "I'm fine, I promise you." he finishes as we hear loud clattering come from the back part of the ship "Still partying?" ask Yelena.

Surging, I answer, "Let them considered it a victory, dull out the reality a bit." I explain.

"Don't you think that's a bit careless?" Levi points out, meeting my gaze, I fire back, "Not if they've earned it-"

The back door opens, and Jean stands there escorting two children, both tied and beat up. One of them being the boy from earlier "Gabi...Falco? Why are you here?" Zeke gasps.

"Why? Why are you?" Falco begins. The girl, who I'm assuming is Gabi, leans forward, shouting, "You're alive?! Why did you let them capture you?!"

The boy meets my eyes, and they widen in remembrance, peering I look to Jean "What the hell. They're kids."

"They killed Lobov and used his gear to come aboard. Sasha was shot by this one here." Jean begins shaking Gabi's shoulder, not daring to look up "I don't think she's gonna make it."

The breath leaves my body as I fiddle to find the wall; stumbling, I look to Armin and Mikasa "Medic." I whisper, straightening myself while the two-run back "S-She needs a medic!" I shout, beginning to run back until Eren grabs my hand.

He doesn't even look at me, why, why Sasha!

I let my hand fall as Hanji walks in from the cockpit "It's all you, Onyankopon!" she calls before turning to Zeke "Well? Did everything play out as you hoped, Zeke Jaeger?"

Eren lets go of my hand as we wait for my brother's answer. he begins speaking while the door opens again "For the most part, but there were a few miscalculations."

"Huh? Who are these kids-"

Andrina pushes past Hanji, rushing out next to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Mom, you shouldn't be-"

"Falco? Gabi?" she whispers.

Zeke's face doesn't change as he renames the children.

"They're miscalculations."

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