C~67: Sweet Child Oh' Mine

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A year and a half ago

"Let's just forget about it for now." Mikasa rings over the noise of the steam and metal banging on the tracks. I wipe my brow, flinching at another cramp. They just kept getting worse and worse over the month.

We had just finished a stupid conversation on who would inherit the Control or Attack Titan in which we both said neither because we want them to live, our friends, our family.

"Marleyan cuisine, here I come!" Sasha cheers, bumping my shoulder before looking at me in concern. "Hey, Kid, are you sure you should be helping us build the railroad?"

"Sasha has a point. For the past month, you've come out here every day and busted your balls harder than all of us." Conny laughs. Taking a rag and rubbing my neck, I wave them off. "It's a good distraction, guys. Sure there are aches and pains, but we're all getting them."

My hands grip my knees as I feel another clench in my lower abdomen "Boy, am I starving for dinner." I brush off, making everyone let out a light laugh. Turning to the front where Armin stood in control, I call out, "How far are we from base?"

"It's just up aHEAD!!!" he shouts before slamming down on the breaks making us all fly forward. When the stretching comes to a stop, Jean calls out, "What was that for Armin!!!"

Pointing ahead, Armin explains, "One of the track bolts is loose if we continued, we would have derailed." he tells, oh, only a track bolt.

I want dinner, and this ain't stopping me. Reaching down, I grab a hammer and jump down, wincing as another sharp flick rips through my body. "I go it!" I shout, muttering under my breath, "God, what is wrong with me?"

Dragging myself over to the rail, I kneel down to move the wood back in place as I feel my body cramp up again. "What the-" Biting my lip, I stick the bolt in before heaving the hammer upon my shoulder. "Okay." I pant, swallowing. "Tomorrow, I take a break."

Rounding up my shoulder, I slam the hammer down on the bolt, the jolt runs through my body as I reel back again. "J-Just one br-break." I strain.

The pound rushes through my body as I see the bolt is in, raising the hammer once more. It's almost like I can hear something snap...suddenly, I feel drenched as the hammer falls to the ground beside me.

Falling back onto the ground, I let out a cry as my hands grip the soil "AHHHHHH!!!!!"

"What's wrong!"

"Oh, God! Kidda!"

Sasha rushes around behind me, allowing me to grip her hands as Jean kneels in front. "Kidda?"

Letting out another scream, I clench my legs together. "I FEEL LIKE I'M BEING RIPPED APART!!!!!"

"ARMIN, GET THE TRAIN RUNNING!!!!" Jean shouts as I'm lifted into the bottom of the cart, now joining the others. Before I know it, the sunset is moving above us as Conny remarks, "Guy's why's the bottom half of Kidda soaked in blood?"

"What do you mean?" Eren begins gripping my hand as shadows of the base pass over us, shouting once more. My vision blurs as I feel myself being lifted once more. The sunset turns to a ceiling as I hear people rushing, screaming, while my breath can't help but speed up. What was happening to me?

"What happened?" I hear Hanji's voice float in. Eren responds, "She was fixing a bolt and then just collapsed there's blood running everywhere." he tries to explain until a Marley doctor interrupts, "Oh no..."

"Do you know?" Hanji begins. Turning my eyes over, I see her put a hand on Hanji's shoulder. "Well, it's a good thing we're female doctors. The procedure needs to happen now!" she exclaims, rushing to grab tools triggering Hanji to as well.

"Where is she?"

Turning against, I see Levi rush over, gripping my hand. "Kidda? Kidda, can you hear me?"

"Everyone expect Hanji and Levi out!" the doctor shouts as I feel a prick in my shoulder. Levi looks up, swallowing. "Is that gonna help?" he questions. The doctor nods. "It's gonna put her off, but I trust she's not gonna wanna feel this," she states while rolling up my shirt and pulling my pants down a bit.

My breath becomes long as my lids grow decadent. The feeling of something cold slice into me is forgotten as my eyes roll back. All emotion is lost on me? What even happened? What did I do wrong?

I know Levi's here, though, holding me.

"Kidda, stay with me..."

But what's felt like seconds later is the next day, blinking my eyes, I try to sit up only for a spike to shoot up me. "Ah!" I yelp. Hearing stuffing, I look to the side where Levi sits up from a night of sleep and walks over, pushing me back down onto the bed. "Don't move," he orders as his fingers reach up to my face. His lips brush against my forehead as I see his stained cheeks. "She's awake!" he calls.

From another door, the doctor and Hanji walk back in with what seemed to be sad smiles. Hanji steps forward. "Good news, the surgery was a success. You're gonna be okay, off your feet for a bit, but okay." she nods. Gulping, I peer at the three faces. "What happened?"

Sucking in a breath, the doctor steps forward. "I want you both to know that we don't have the same equipment like they do in Marley. And with everyone rushing, there is no way you could have known."

Levi's breath is heavy as he asks, "Know what?"



Staring up, I shrug as Hanji pulls down my shirt. "Kidda, let's face if we can't heal you, you will never be able to carry another child," she states. Kenny had the room, so this conversation could stay between Hanji and me.

Slightly smiling, I remember the morning I woke up to the news "I found out I was pregnant with a child and lost it in the same sentence Hanji." I begin making her sit on the bed. "I understand not being able to move past that."

"No, but Levi can just forget it ever happened." I sneer, sitting up holding my legs. "After that moment, it only took one fight to realize maybe it just wasn't meant to be." I finish putting a hand to my scared stomach.

A vessel that could have held life if I wasn't so careless.

You're gonna go far Kidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें