Chapter Six~First Impressions

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Once we make it inside we grab our food and take a table. I sit with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. 


But I was really happy when Conny and Marco joined us. I excused myself to go to the commanders' table, as I walk over Shadis looks up at me "Cadet Kid! What is your business here?"

I salute and stand tall "Sir I come to you on the topic of medical well being, when living in Shiganshina MPs came by every week to made sure I took a special drink, the recipe is here." I say handing it to him, he looks it over "I'd like to ask permission for once a week to make it."

Shadis hands it back to me and nods "The ingredients are standard enough, your permission is granted." he says. I salute again "Thank you, sir."

With that, I quickly leave and make the drink in the kitchen. I stare at it and sigh, I mean no one was making me take it but what if I really did need it? I better just take it to make sure. I quickly down the liquid and rush back to my table.

When I sit back down I realize while I was gone Conny got on the topic of Shiganshina really quickly. Soon, people were surrounding our table when they found out four of us had been in the Shiganshina attack and really survived.

"So... So you guys actually saw them?" 

"The titans?" 

"The big guy as well?" they asked. 

"Yes, we saw the big guy." Eren answered, annoyed. 

"Wow, just how tall was he?" 

"Guy stuck his head over the wall," I say. 

"Wait, but I heard that he stepped over the wall completely!"

"I heard that too!" 

"Nah, he was big but not that big," says Eren.

"So what did it look like?"

"Had a mouth like a corpse, no skin, just muscles." I described plainly not really wanting to talk about it. I really wanted to throw up my drink as I thought about the Colossus face. That dead face, the one that took everything.

"And the Armored titan?" 

Eren looked over at me and answered "Is that what they're calling it now? In the chaos of it all, it was just another titan to me." 

Suddenly I froze, I guess Eren did too. My eyes went wide. Eren's hand covered his mouth. I took my hat off my head, clutching it tightly. The Armored Titan was the reason I couldn't reach Ace, why does this still bother me after two years?

Maybe it was during the attack the number of lives lost. Everyone could probably guess people close to the four of use were either killed, to the point of most likely being....eaten. Unwillingly, tears formed in my eyes. Out of anger and sadness.

Calm down that's why we're here! To get strong to learn to fight and kill! "Guys that's enough! I'm sure they don't want to relive the entire day!" Marco spoke, I guess he noticed our reaction, he's very very caring and will be a great friend. 

"We're sorry you guys... We didn't mean to-" 

"It's not like that," Eren says, wow he came back really quickly. "Those stupid titans... They're really not that big of a deal. If we focus on mastering the ODM gear then it's titan payback time. I've waited years to be trained as a soldier, and all of a sudden the reality's sinking in. I'm joining the Scout Regiment, then I'm sending the titans back to hell. I'm gonna butcher them all..." 

I mentally facepalm, Eren before you open your mouth think about how people will respond, I think. I corresponded with the most things he named but shouting it out to the world maybe should have eased his way into doing that.

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