Chapter Seventeen~Humanity's First Victory

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I look over to my side in horror to see Eren's titan fist lodged there, Eren what's happening? Tell me, please! I wasn't going to lose him, I send a grapple into his shoulder and land on it, his head turns towards me and I put a hand on his cheek trying to hear him, all I heard was the distance rumbling.

"Kid! Get away from there!" Ian commands.

"EREN, STOP THIS! It's me, Kid! Don't you remember!? Don't you remember Mikasa!? We're here with you Eren, please! Let me hear your voice so you can block the gate with the boulder!" I shout, just then Rico shot a red flare into the sky, notifying everyone that the plan had failed.

But it hadn't! We still had a chance! We just had to show Eren we believed in him! "No! We can do this sir! We just have to believe in him!!!" I shout back before hearing Mikasa arguing with them.

We can't give up hope! I will not lose anyone else to a titan! Especial Eren, Armin, or Mikasa! Not today not ever!!! Just then Eren's titan fist swings up towards me, I swing back onto the roof and Eren hits himself making him stumble back and fall unconscious against the boulder.

Great! Just Great!

"Hundreds of people have already died!" I hear Rico shout "You want us to recover him only for us to go through the same thing again!?"

I walk over the shoulder confused "What's going on?" I ask.

"That's right! No matter how many die, we must try again!" Ian shouts ignoring my question. His statement left Rico and Mitabi speechless. I look over at the two, they wanted to abandon Eren...

"Ian! Are you out of your mind!?" Rico shouts.

"How else can mankind win against the Titans!? Tell me, Rico! What other way is there out of this!? How can we win against the Titan's without more people dying, while staying humans ourselves!? What should we do!?" asks Ian.

"Of course I don't know a way to defeat the Titans."

"That's why this is all we have left. For the sake of a Titan Shifter, we must risk our lives and risk it all! Isn't it pitiful? That's all we can do as humans. So what will you do? This is the only way we can fight. This is as much struggle as we can handle."

I look over at Rico with a pleading face, she sighs "I can't accept that. I will follow the plan. I think that what you're saying is right. But while I struggle, I'll show them just how dreadful humans can be. I refuse to die a dog's death. Leave the 12-meter titan behind us for me and my men." and with that Rico and her team left.

We were doing this? I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to Ian "Kid do whatever you can to wake Eren up, stay away from the fight."

I nod, for once to fight is the only thing I'm told not to do. I nod and swing onto Eren's nape since his head was lolling down. There were titan all around and according to Rico, the plan was a bust. Everyone s anxiety levels were so high you could smell it.

I began to get a massive headache. I fall onto my knees using my grapples to lock myself in place, my hands land on Eren's nape and I felt another pulse. I saw myself outside the window of our old house and inside a younger Eren was looking at my strangely "What do you mean we have to go?" he asked.

I open my eyes again to find myself back on his titan's nape "Eren! Wake up! Please!" I shout. God! He was stuck in the nape! Stuck in the nape that's it, if I just cut him out. I take one of my swords out and hold it above my head.

Eren please forgive me.

"KID STOP!!!" screams Mikasa, I look over at her "If I don't hit him! I won't kill him!" I shout back my gaze stern, telling her not to engage. I turn back to Eren and plunge my blade into his nape instantly earning a defining roar from him, which resounded in my head. It wasn't a nice feeling!

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