Chapter Sixteen~Old Friends New Plan

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Armin, Eren, Mikasa and I all walk-behind Pyxis. Commander of the defense of the southern territories, including Trost. We come to stop Eren sits down, Mikasa beside him. Pyxis looks over the edge into the titan infested Trost.

"Still haven't seen one...I wouldn't mind being eaten if it was a sexy lady Titan." Pyxis jokes and continues his back to us "I see. So you believe that if we get to your basement, you'd find the answers you seek?"

"Yes. Do you believe us, sir?" I ask, standing from my place beside Eren.

"Since neither of you can say for sure, let's just say I'll keep it in mind for now." he answers facing us  "However, you can prove your true intentions by your actions right now. I'll guarantee your safety myself. Cadet Arlert, was it?"

"Yes, sir!" Armin salutes.

"Earlier you said that we could use this Titan to retake this city and possibly Wall Maria. Do you really believe that or were you just desperate to keep yourselves alive?" Pyxis ask.

Armin's quick thinking had never failed us before, but he was suggesting, after what the cadets had been through...

"It was... both sir." Armin confessed, "I believe that if Eren could take on his titan form, we could carry that boulder to the gate, and plug the wall. Of course... I was also desperate to save our lives! This plan has flaws!" 

"What kind!"

"Well, we can't understand Eren and who knows if he can hear us?" starts Armin. He was right and we all knew it, there was no way to communicate with Eren...Wait, I can hear his thoughts in titan form.

But what would happen if I told them, would I be represented as a monster as well? Oh what the heck, did it even matter now! I salute to Pyxis "Permission to speak sir?"

"Permission granted."

"Sir, back down the wall I was caused because a cadet reported a froze every time I took down a titan. The reason I froze was that I heard a voice...and as weird as it sounds, I didn't need to touch Eren to hear him, his thoughts on killing titan we're loud, clear, and sounded like him. I believe our best bet is using me as a pathway to communicate with Eren." I say offering myself. Mikasa, Eren, and Armin looked as if I was insane.

"And how long have you been hearing this voice for?"

"My whole life, seven years, sir!" I say. The three look at me in shock that I kept this from them, Pyxis chuckles "What do you say, Cadet Jaeger, Kid? Can you close the gap?"

My eyes widen a bit and I and Eren look at each other "I really don't know if either of us can even fully control our powers. We only just bore them...It would be irresponsible for us to answer that question either way..." Eren says.

"Oh sorry. I asked the wrong question. Will you do it, yes or no?"

Pyxis in a way reminded me of Ace, not one to give the straight answers, but always one to get them. I look down remembering.

"We'll do it." I and Eren answer.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up at Pyxis "Well, you two have hearts of lions and my respect. Call the strategists! We need to come up with a plan." he says.

Armin flinches. "But this was just an offhand thought! You really intend to put it into action right now?"

Pyxis motions for me to follow him, I step forward and the two of us begin to walk back to the troops, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin following but out of ear shoot "It's been a while since I last saw you, Kid."

"I didn't think you would remember just a cadet sir," I say. He chuckles "You were the cadet that stood up to humanity's strongest, a fire that like, I knew you would grow into an excellent soldier."

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