April 22 - Meaningless Is Not Despair

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The web of life is a beautiful
and meaningless dance. The web
of life is a process with a
moving goal. The web of life is
a perfectly finished work of art
right where I am sitting now.

~ Robert Anton Wilson

There comes to each the logical
and exact result of his own
receptivity. To each, life brings
the reward of his own visioning;
to the pure, all is pure . . . and
to the good, all is good. . . .
Each man is rewarded not for
virtue but through virtue.

~ Ernest Holmes

It isn't uncommon for most people to want what they do in their lives to be meaningful. The reality is that it is highly unlikely that the things that most of us do as individuals will really be "meaningful" to the larger scheme of things though I do love "It's A Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart at Christmas time. However I do believe that what we do as individuals is meaningful to the quality of the collective as a whole. Once in my Life Visioning weekly guided meditation, I experienced that even before I began the practice I was aware of a "concept" making itself known to me. It had been a week since the 2013 bombing of the finish line at the Boston Marathon, and I found myself constantly engaged – virtually online and in sometimes highly emotional conversations – in discussions regarding a whole variety of aspects to that event.

At times, I did wonder if I was spending too much time or attention on a meaningless exchange. The fact is that is not the only virtual discussion I find my self participating in. I am often in what I could define as "meaningless" exchanges because I do understand that my participation is not really changing anything and I realize that quite clearly. So why do I persist in such behaviors ? I am yet aware on subtle non-physical levels that the collective content is influenced and sometimes swayed by exchanges viewed by non-participants, sometimes referred to as "lurkers". Much of what is broadcast on news channels is nothing more than that. Expertise and knowledge sell points of view in commercial media. I recognize that one of the roles that I play in life is that of a "communicator". It is my hope that I channel Spirit clearly enough for whatever purpose I'm being enlisted to do so. Being articulate is a gift that those who have it may not have earned, similar to my son's gift for creating art because he was simply born with an artist's soul.

It then came to me as I was preparing to go into that meditation yesterday, that one of the purposes for how I live my life is my very participation in the exchange of ideas within the "Noosphere". That concept that was articulated by Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin long before the internet existed. It is the sphere of human thought and there is so much "thought" being broadcast through the ethers now. I think – "this matters". This is something quite "new" in human evolution and it is obviously having impacts not only on the speed of life but on public opinion.

In one exchange, the other party to my discussion expressed difficultly understanding the inclusivity of my viewpoint. He seemed unable to wrap his own thought processes around the idea that I could recognize the meaninglessness of my individual contributions to the whole without abandoning my having a sense of personal values upon which I base decisions regarding choices life requires me to make. I do not find these two concepts to be in conflict with one another but his nature is such that he delights in trying mightily to trip up my clarity regarding this. Whatever my entertaining friend believes or doesn't believe, it is impossible to arrive at any definite truth regarding.

There is a lot of swagger to my friend. He pretends nothing is amiss with him but some information that he has willingly shared causes me to doubt that is his experience of life. At times I sense that he is seeking for answers to his own questions by contrariness and by asking difficult questions and questioning the depth or validity of other people's beliefs. It is a good role for someone to fill. He is naturally gifted at it and for that reason I am grateful for his presence in my life. He does push me in a direction that he is unlikely to have intended but my soul appreciates. He forces me to seek clarity when communicating with him. This is a gift of high value to my own heart's desires.

Joseph Campbell said – "Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer." In the living of our life we are each our own answer. We really don't need external validation that our life matters. I see life as a gift of experiences that can be had in no other way. That experience is highly valuable and since our life's experiences are of no guaranteed length, when we share them with others the value of these is amplified. Or so I believe in regard to my own writing. I value the experiences of my own life, each and every one, the good, the bad and the ugly – all. It may be that nothing I do has any value in the larger scheme of things but there is no despair in me. I've no need to be admired by any one for any reason because I am simply doing what comes naturally for my own pleasure and purposes.

~ perspective

Whatever meaning there is
to my own life I have created
for my own reasons and it is
a little story that I like to tell
myself when I need entertainment
or inspiration.
I pour the whole of my self into
my living, whether short or long,
it matters not.
It could be that all existence is
nothing more than a pointless joke
but since I'm here I might as well
enjoy love, friendship, family and art.
While I must work as most people do
in order to eat and have the basic
necessities, I do try to spend as
much of my life as I can, even at
work, enjoying what is.
I live in a world of infinite
possibilities, informed by
experience and logic, regarding
which of these are probable and
then I act, to make the probable
more likely, as long as it suits
my personal preferences.

#artist #channeling #collective #communication #internet #lurker #media #noosphere #reality #spirit 

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