November 25 - Everywhere & Nowhere

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An act of love that fails is
just as much a part of the
Divine Life as an act of love
that succeeds, for love is
measured by its own fullness,
not by its reception.

~ Harold Loukes

The Infinite never expresses
itself in fragments. There is
no such thing as a part of God.
In an indivisible unity, all of
everything is present everywhere
all the time.

~ Ernest Holmes

The subject of this essay comes from a quote by Voltaire – "God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere". I will admit that I used to begin spiritual mind treatments with a recognition along this line – "God is all there is. I am some part of what God is." In the Science of Mind magazine Daily Guide for this date in 2012, a well known modern mystic named Joel Goldsmith counters such an assertion with – "Oh, no, you are not ! You are the fullness of God." Now that is something to contemplate first thing in the morning.

In the Science of Mind textbook it is conceptualized as "Reason declares that that Which is Infinite cannot be divided against Itself. The Infinite is, therefore, indivisible and consequently a Perfect Unit." The Daily Guide author, Rev Sally Robbins, notes "We have to live in this world as humans, but our real work, the most satisfying work, is embodying the fullness of God". When we demur to accept a completeness of Godhood within our self, are we somehow unwilling to embody all that we are capable of encompassing within our own self ?

If there is nowhere that I am not able to experience the Divine Spirit as present and everywhere that I go, it is because I am there. I AM the constant in this recognition. Personally for my own self there is never any separation from the Spirit of Life's expression. It is true however that I can narrow my focus to be "not aware" that the Divine is immediately, instantly present. I can excuse all sorts of behaviors as "being only human" which is yet again a limitation that I chose to place on myself. I find it humorous that the word "only" by its very presence implies that I know there is more than that – there is something beyond which that limiting factor cannot somehow deny.

Though we can tease these apart, the fullness of the Divine is not the fullness of the Divine Masculine only nor is it the fullness of the Divine Feminine only, for the fullness of the Divine Spirit knows not gender. Gender duality comes with human physical incarnation on the material plane and exists for purposes of "natural" reproduction. Mythology can assist either gender to embody the energetic imprint of either spectrum of gender traits. Could not the recognition of Unity, of only ONE source of creation and wisdom, of vision and insight, bridge such gender perceived differences ?

I believe one of the valid aspects of being incarnated in the material world is the ability to choose aspects and degrees of character traits out of the fullness of archetypal expressions that embody both benevolent and destructive aspects of material reality. In maturing our physical expression we are often also called upon to embrace images that we naturally recoil from by immature perception and we do this by interpreting them energetically as intentional choice. We can chose to align our expression with the so-called Masculine traits of order and safety, a flow of energetic communication, a defense of the integrity of environmental systems and inclusive perspectives that strive not solely for personal validation. Similar perspectives can be embraced regarding the co-called Feminine traits and physical gender has little to do with the traits an individual chooses to express.

The virtue of Divine Fullness is that it is gender neutral. When we actively practice and express the best of any "virtues" our natural expression will at the least pave the way for caring, generosity, loving, protective, encouraging and a creatively pursued healthy curiosity about the world we inhabit. All virtues are somehow an expression of that Divine Fullness. We express the "best of" humanity by embracing all of the fullness we are able to comprehend about our own capabilities. Perhaps the negativity we may reject in seeking to be "more spiritual" is more accurately understood simply as the immature responses of less than fully developed human expressions while knowing that these will yet ripen in time with nurturance. If we are matured it should be easy for us to be patient regarding such expressions without encouraging them to be bound and stagnant at that immature stage of being.

~ perspective

I seek expressions of fullness by
not amplifying my own laziness or
perceptions of weakness but by
embracing the belief that there is
more to me than I've yet to discover.
I actively support and encourage –
a whole, balanced and "good" life
for all beings.
I wish to see humanity thrive in
responsible and protective expressions
of lifestyle choice.
I believe in a tolerant acceptance
based upon the best possible
explanation that I can arrive at
in order to interpret whatever
behaviors or actions I see people
I seek to live fully and can also
encourage others to live fully
simply by being my own successful
example of what "embracing
fullness" means.

#behavior #choice #differences #fullness #gender #integrity #limitation #maturity #negativity #reality 

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