December 19 - Empowering Others

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It always seems impossible
until it's done.

~ Nelson Mandela

Man may transmute as
much of the Infinite
Energy into degrees of
power as he chooses to use.

~ Ernest Holmes

I had stopped in to check on a very long-term friend of mine in the middle of November one year. I found her in total state of despair. She believed that there was nothing she could do that would prevent her from losing her home just a few days before Thanksgiving. She owed a lot of money in back taxes and interest and penalties on those arrears that had been piled exponentially upon her home. However, her home is also free of mortgage or encumbrance. It had been her husband's home even before he knew of her existence. He passed away over 20 years ago leaving her with the home. Their daughter had been born into that home. My friend had often opened her home to people with nowhere to stay. It seemed karmically wrong that she could lose it in this manner.

Certainly times have been tough for many people through the economic collapse that began back in 2008 and the suffering and contractions have been severe.  In 2013 when I visited her, she didn't have a paycheck job with which to take out a loan, even with the home as security for a new mortgage. She was getting by on small amounts of cash from cleaning houses and loading trucks at night. It was not that she is a lazy person but she has no reliable transportation and has been dependent on mass transit or rides from friends to get to wherever so she could make enough money to eat and pay utilities.

While I was there with her, I did a spiritual mind treatment. We were sitting face-to-face and holding hands – heart facing heart. To be honest I have never felt so much energy flow through a spiritual mind treatment in my 40+ years of practicing these but then the instances when I have been present with another person are less than a handful. I am usually working from a distance. I remember one treatment in particular with my daughter when she was a school girl. She had wanted to see a rock concert but her dad and step-mother had forbidden it. I didn't know that and so I did take her to one and we even waited outside afterwards at the performer's entrance and did catch a glimpse of the musicians. As she was about to head home alone on an airplane she started to panic. So, I did a treatment with her that there was nothing wrong with what we had done with one another and that her "resident" family would simply be happy to see her with no questions asked. And so it did prove - exactly - when she returned home.

After the treatment with my friend, I still wanted to do "more" but it proved fruitless. I was despondent that I couldn't somehow help her more concretely. I called her just before the deadline date near Thanksgiving but could not reach her. When I finally did reach her – after her deadline had passed - I got some amazing news. An attorney had taken her case and had broken through the communications wall with the county tax assessor. It seems my friend had actually paid a $1,500 "continuance" fee to extend her time by 120 days last summer but when the attorney inquired about that he was told that there was no such thing. Fortunately she had possession of a receipt and the circumstances are now being investigated. At the least the amount that she paid should go towards the back taxes she owes.

Another amazing thing had happened to her. There was a "regular employment" she had been trying to get with a Catholic Sister's residence. She was told they could not hire her at this time because she did not have reliable transportation. They felt that 1 mile from mass transit was too far to expect her to go in severe cold or hot weather. That had not been a written condition for employment in the advertisement. At that time a friend came to visit her. Before she could tell him about the employment obstacle, he said "wait, I want to tell you my news first". He was going to give her his vehicle. I don't know the full details of why he was wanting to do that but it does not matter to my story. He was giving it to her for "free". He was simply going to sign it over to her because she needed transportation and had been so kind towards him over the years, even when no one else would help those times he had needed assistance. So she was hopeful she would be hired that next January, which is when she was told to return again after a second interview.

What was exciting to her and to me as well was her new found sense of empowerment. She had surrendered to the negative circumstances before that day when I arrived and was even beginning to pack her things. The "fight" came back into her after the spiritual mind treatment and she said my support in wanting to help her made a huge difference in her perspective. She also admitted to me that she had been "mad" at God before that day because her mom had been religious right up until her passing but had suffered a lot in the last year or so of her life. In experiencing the treatment and feeling the energy and in the good outcomes that were coming her way, she experienced a healing of that anger. I told her that her mom's condition was simply due to the fact that our bodily forms decline. That is what they do as they age. I also pointed out to her that the only method Spirit has to do its work is through other human beings and our own sense of personal worth. She had been devastated that she might lose the home, the home that her daughter's father had left them. It didn't feel right to her nor did it ever feel possible to my heart. She now believes that she can right her own circumstances through payments over time and by that overcoming will know that she is always capable of meeting life's challenges – somehow.  Six years later now, to the best of my current knowledge because she lives 2 hours north of me and we only occasionally have contact, she still lives in that same home.

~ perspective

It is up to each of us to be
the hero/heroine of our own
life by thinking courageously
and never accepting victimization.
We become empowered when we
refuse to be weighed down by the
circumstances of everyday life.
I always consider what it is that
I can do something about, even
if there isn't much that it appears
that I can affect – what I can't
impact I leave to the Divine to
make possible for resolution.
I am empowered when I realize
that I really can make it through
whatever problems seem overwhelming
to me at first.
I keep my heart ever open to hear
what my life seems to need and from
that sacred place I know comes
what causes gratitude in me.

#assistance #death #employment #friendship #hardship #healing #religion #shelter #support #taxes 

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