November 11 - Right or Wrong

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If the end brings me out all right,
what is said against me won't amount
to anything. If the end brings me
out wrong, ten angels swearing I was
right would make no difference.

~ President Abraham Lincoln

The criterion for any man as to what
is right or wrong for him is not to be
found in some other man's judgment.
The criterion is: Does the thing I wish
to do express more life, more happiness,
more peace to myself, and at the same
time harm no one ?

~ Ernest Holmes

I found an interesting article at the New York Times on "An Evolutionary Theory of Right and Wrong" by Nicholas Wade posted on Oct 31, 2006 and based upon the 2006 publication of a book "Moral Minds" by Marc D Hauser, a Harvard biologist. He believes that we are hard wired in our neural circuits by evolution to have some sense of right or wrong. This gives us an ability to make a quick decision in a life-or-death situation that isn't in our conscious logic but which has supported our survival as a species. After the fact, people are able to support a quick decision with plausible rationalizations. Therefore our deep moral codes are only being reinforced by parents, teachers and our religious authorities who don't actually create but "fine-tune" these concepts because they are already pre-existent in us.

If concepts of right and wrong are part of our survival mechanism, is it such a wonder that we are attached to having such an understanding about our everyday experiences ? When faced with important decisions, we usually do have some inner sense of whether something would be OK or somehow ethically wrong. We may go against our own better judgment but most of us will have a clear sense of this within us regardless. Still, it usually isn't really possible for me to think that I am right about something and someone else is wrong because often there truly is more than one way to look at most situations and because our decisions are based upon specific conditions, individually experienced, that might not match the conditions in any given moment of some other person.

Truly most issues are too complex to be as simple as absolutely right or absolutely wrong. Yesterday in the 18th Verse of the Tao Te Ching, I found echoed by Dr Wayne Dyer a similar thought with which I agree – "it depends on the circumstances" – "When you're centered in the Tao, you don't need any rules, nor are you bound by what's declared to be legal or illegal. . . . you assume personal responsibility for your actions. Your life isn't based on living by rules."

I am not into killing Life. However, if I was in a one-on-one fight with a determined killer ?, would I let that killer have their way without any resistance on my part ?; or if given an opportunity to at least knock the killer "out" would I not avail myself of that opportunity ? I do not give others the right to "rob" me of my cherished experience of incarnation. I once even had such a dream in which I was shot point blank because a thief wanted to take my purse. What I remember most was – I was angered at the stupidity. I believe we place ourselves into physical incarnation to play "The Reality Game". Think "The Hunger Games" on steroids. If it is true that in non-physical we have no needs or problems, then that must be part of why we incarnate – to test our mettle in difficult situations – war, violence, survival, disease – to see how our integrity stands up in the line of fire.

Now I have been known to have some strong opinions about some things and that has not changed. But that does not mean that I think that somehow I have the only "right" answer. I only have "my" answer that "works" for me. And I am highly adaptable given a good argument that convinces me to modify my own perspective. Therefore I would not even WISH to try to convince anyone else. I would definitely make my own case strongly – but whether someone else "accepts" or "embraces" that perspective is totally up to them. I see no "benefit" in being "right", I see no "benefit" in coercing other people or "succeeding" in swaying them to my perspective.

I see a LOT of benefit in accepting diverse points of view – some of which I would reject as not being resonant with me or comfortable for me. Some I might appreciate so much that I embrace them or modify these to add to my own. Some I might see as curious or humorous – adding a richness to my life – and some might even be frustrating and vexing – and I might even stamp my feet and rant a little – and then just as quickly "get over it" entirely – for life is much too short to spend it in a state of aggravation or at least this is how I feel for my own self. It is much more freeing to appreciate the distinctive differences as unique and beautiful, in and of themselves, without comparison and contrast to establish superiority.

~ perspective

My choices are made up of shades
of gray, not black and white, and
in the best of circumstances are
multi-colored with brilliant and
subtle hues like a rainbow.
I live only by the rules of my
inner guidance, moment to moment,
for I trust entirely in the integrity
of my soul to guide me rightly.
I am willing to consider the opinions
of any other person for I see all
such expressions as aspects of the
One Mind.
It is up to me to discern for my own
self what feels right or wrong for me
personally and it is not up to me to
determine that for any other person.
I always know what the right thing
to do is in any situation and I do
not second-guess my choice after
the fact, for to do so is to question
the wisdom of Divine Intelligence.

#adaptation #anger #coercion #decision #ethics #killing #logic #morality #reality #survival

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