April 3 - The Awareness that Imaginatively Creates "me"

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Awareness is learning to keep
yourself company.

~ Geneen Roth
And then learn to be more
compassionate company,
as if you were somebody you
are fond of and wish to encourage.

~ the above quoted and
expanded upon by Anne Lamott

The problem of philosophy is to
unite the Infinite with the finite;
to join the abstract with the
concrete; to find a meeting place
between the Absolute and the
relative; to unify with First Cause.
The same problem confronts religion
and is, indeed, its whole purpose:
to unify man with God. This is also
true of science, but from a different
angle. Science seeks to join causes
with effects, and by so doing make
practical use of its knowledge.
Science is really spiritual, while
philosophy leads to true religion.
Science is the handmaid of religion
and philosophy.

~ Ernest Holmes

The answer to the question of who I am can go very deeply into who we are without referring to a thought or a feeling. Once we are clear about that we can have a depth of experience in living our life forward. Becoming aware of this core essence is also a reason for practicing metaphysics and by that practice discover that we have created our own reality. Life is like a dream that our awareness is having within a very solid physical plane. Delving deeply into this inquiry can begin the greatest adventure you will ever undertake as a human being. You will live not from reactive responses to situations and circumstances but consciously from choice and intentional decisions.

Your mind is not enough for this deepest task of being. The adventure is thrilling and satisfying and even scary sometimes as you stand in the presence of the unknown, lacking certainty about what many people accept as reality without questioning it. In that state of consciousness there exists a beingness rooted in unconditional love and the ecstasy of purest beingness. Is this belief I have really true ? Do I know it's really true ? What if you saw through your thoughts, beliefs, judgments or complaints without replacing them with yet another one.

As soon as you begin to inquire within your realizations will make themselves quite evident to you. You will begin to realize more fully the extent to which everything (material) is Spirit. The material world is essentially conscious energy. It is amazing how Spirit is able to make Itself dense, appear solid, occupy time and space. My sons have this magnifying device that peers deeply into physical matter and displays that view on our big screen TV. The most solid looking rock has gaps and spaces. What our senses perceive without such aids to understanding is actually quite limited.

Becoming awake to existence is seeing a world even more beautiful than you ever realized that it was before. Love awakens with the understanding that we aren't different from one another but in our core essence the same. We begin to "see" it all – the hard, physical forms and the more subtle essence and energy of Spirit's play, within and around and through every manifestation. Scientists and physicists affirm for us with their tools that everything truly is "energy". Conscious Spirit moves and acts and responds in truthfulness, peace, love and gratitude for our participation in the great game of Life's expression on this planet.

And Spirit is essentially what each and every one of us is but most of humanity is therefore still "asleep" for they aren't aware of a more subtle degree of reality than what seems solid and if truth be known only what they "believe" is true, when in a purer reality it isn't "true" at all. No wonder most people are lost, confused, frustrated and in despair – victims of what they believe existence is. Even so many more people today than ever before actually are "waking up" and know Life from a deeper perspective and I believe that makes all of the difference to hopeful expectations for the future. Not only in our individual life's expression but in what and how we contribute and participate in the larger collective of human expression.

And this is only the beginning of a grand adventure of continuing life lived in an eternal moment of now. When you fully realize just how fluid and changeable life can be then you can also begin to consciously participate in directing the energy (where attention goes, energy flows) to impact what expresses next. Yesterday I played with the wind. Becoming aware that I could impact the intensity of the wind even a little bit by my own conscious intention was a fun and interesting practice. I would ask the wind to shift slightly in its direction and it would. I did not strain against what wind wanted to do. I remained alert to what wind was actually doing. But if I "asked" for a slightly more southerly direction it complied. If I thought it was getting a bit too strong and wished for it to settle down even just for a little bit of "relief", it did that as well. Would it have honestly done all of these things even if I had not been consciously "thinking" them into existence ? One can never truly know the answer to that. There is only what we experience and how we interpret that. I will never have any absolute proof of what I believe. I know that I was consciously having desires related to how the wind was expressing it characteristics. That is a fact, whether it had any effect upon the wind, or not, in reality. Scientists have discovered that the observer effects what is observed. So I believe that I was having an effect after all.

~ perspective

There is a witness within me
who knows the truth of my
core essence and beingness.
I consciously seek to remove
beliefs and other considerations
in order to pare down awareness
to its primary somethingness and
know from which point my
imagination creates.
I easily see that I can apply
my understandings to change
what I am seeing expressed.
My thoughts, feelings and actions
are all interrelated with what
the way is now and will become
as time moves experience forward
into the future becoming now.
I understand the way that faith
in my ability to impact my
experience acts through all things
and all people simply because all
are rooted in, have their essence
in, the same ocean of energy,
the same essence of being,
Spirit expressed in form.

#beingness #beliefs #consciousness #creativity #energy #expectations #future #hope #reaction #science 

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