January 27 - Love Beauty

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When I awoke from this dream-
death, I felt myself interpenetrated
and surrounded by a magnificent presence.
Because I had agnostic leanings, I
identified it as Love-Beauty.

~ Michael Bernard Beckwith,
Spiritual Liberation

Let us choose to be identified with
power, with love and beauty,
with peace and happiness.

~ Ernest Holmes

Many people struggle with the contrasts between how society has used and misused the word God to the point that they reject such a possibility entirely. Then some of those people subsequently step out upon a path of spirituality and this brings them back into an awareness that "something" indescribable, unproveable, invisible actually, truly does respond to them. How to explain that ? So such a seeker begins to try and sort out the "programmed" beliefs from what becomes "real" in their own personal experience, worrying not about what anyone else's experience may have been. Not simply swallowing the pronouncements of experts who are paid to tell other people what to think. Following a lonely, individual path because that becomes the ONLY path one can fully trust or have any faith in.

I was enchanted with Beckwith's word "Love-Beauty" the first time I became aware of it. Love has always been what I have felt from the Divine something that I have been aware of all of my life. Beauty has always inspired awe in me – even the things that other people might not consider beautiful, I can usually see some kind of beauty within. The Divine when it shines unencumbered through a human being is always beautiful to behold and makes the heart want to sing in its recognition. Beckwith believes that Love-Beauty enlivens the universe, he trusts its goodness (as do I) to guide the course of his life. I trust all those secret murmurings into my heart for all of these long years.

I have learned a way of being led, of being guided, that I do trust to lead me further for I see no such thing as an end to this journey, though destinations and circumstances and environments do change. I'm not afraid to share my own journeys openly and un-self-consciously. I know that I am always safe, always protected by the Spirit at the core of this human expression regardless of any external appearances to the contrary. Regardless of what persuasion they arise out of, the heart of all the messages remain the same – there is a dynamic Presence that is the life force enlivening all that there is which enjoys expression through all beings and has empowered each of us to participate co-creatively in that process. Our creations are governed by the laws of the universe and we can choose to be in harmony with what is expressing or in conflict with it.

There is a joy and a definite peace of mind that accompanies each of us as we awaken. We are each innately enlightened beings and it is our joy to discover, explore and apply that realization to the time that we have on Earth and perhaps even beyond this physical incarnation. It is much less important to know what is coming than to understand what is here now. The more authentically and genuinely we express ourselves, the more our presence can be a beneficial factor on the planet and an impetus to the constant evolution of human expression in a life-affirming direction.

We access Love-Beauty by turning within, we align ourselves with feelings of joy for simply being alive proven by the fact that we breathe. Gratitude fills every experience because we know that all experiences no matter how they might feel moment to moment are leading us on to greater expressions of our understandings that Life is good – always. Life is always "good" eventually, if that is what we expect to experience. The Divine Presence does not need our breath – it is closer to us than that and more enduring than our limited forms are. Heaven truly is where we each are now, if we are willing to see it that way. Good is already present and available to us, if we recognize that is so. Regardless of our apparent circumstances, I believe that all of our needs as spiritual beings having a human experience are being met simply by being here at all.

We rise above beliefs that we are victims and see only temporary forms passing through our lives that will not endure nor remain as they are. Only the Divine Presence within us is changeless and enduring. What I know IS important is the feeling tone of each moment – beauty, love, wisdom, peace, provision, joy. My body temple reflects the fundamental harmony of the universe – order, strength, beauty, the power to renew itself. The Divine Intelligence within my body can heal anything that I allow to be healed. My mental clarity is restored to its original clarity if I open myself to that expression. Everything that concerns me is aligned with fundamental goodness and harmony. I am deeply thankful that all of this is so right now.

~ perspective

I think people are beautiful just
because they are.
It is beautiful when a person is able
to find their way out of the depths
of loss, defeat and struggle.
I see beauty in everything but I know
that not everyone is able to see the
beauty that my heart always sees.
Can't find any beauty ?, look at
the stars on a crystal clear night or
go out into nature in Springtime.
When we are alone, love and beauty
will whisper to us their secrets in a
language as inspiring as the best poetry.

#beingness #beliefs #conflict #faith #god #harmony #joy #peace #safety #trust 

Gazing in the MirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora