December 4 - Prolifically Procreative

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There is a divine moment in
our lives when we all become one.
It's called procreation, and it is
reborn, continually and forever.

~ Dirk Benedict

We stand in the shadow of a
mighty Presence while love forever
points the way . . .behind all is
a unity, through all is a diversity,
saturating all is a divinity.

~ Ernest Holmes

This is how my consciousness works . . . there comes some little thought into my consciousness and off it goes traveling into myriad places. In reading the words "the gift of choice" my memories tumbled into the conception of my older son which occurred at an advanced age for me (46) thanks to advances in medical reproductive assistance. The early indications were that I had conceived twins. Shortly thereafter my paternal grandfather made his transition and we traveled to my childhood home town for his funeral. Along the way there were indications that I might be losing the pregnancy. Thankfully lab tests revealed that there was still an active pregnancy but now only one fetus was developing. This is called in those circles of awareness a vanishing twin.

So as that memory presented itself to me this morning in reflection, a whole cascade of memory leaves flowed down that river carried upon those currents of thought. I considered if there ever was a sentient consciousness for that vanished twin and my heart says "No". Ernest Holmes said "The same life runs through all, threading itself in the patterns of our individualities". . . . "over all, in all, through all". Without a doubt, two clumps of cells were created and growing but were these sentient ? Are our organs sentient ? Are our cells sentient ? Which reminded me of the work of Bruce Lipton and others.

Within the work of organ transplants there is a growing body of evidence that our cells retain memories of our individualities. Though scientists continue to do amazing things, they do not yet truly create life from inanimate materials. There is an example from a biological study of a red algal colony where a single cell is broken open, leaving an empty and torn cell wall. Here is the amazing thing that happens . . . the neighboring cells sense what has happened and begin dividing to replace the missing cell contents, which then initiates a process whereby the broken cell is realigned and restored to its original condition. What a wonderful example of the interconnectedness of this thing called Life.

Some scientists claim that computers are being developed to "mimic" living organisms but that is all that they can do – imitate life. The author, Brian J Ford in an article in Mensa Magazine in Feb 2010, who described the behavior of red algae gives an example of the difference – "Take 3 computers, linked on a network and standing close together. Smash the middle one with a hammer. Then, lock the room, and leave it sealed over the weekend. When you go back on Monday, the central machine will not be again running perfectly, meticulously repaired, hardly a mark on the case." He goes on to note that man has not made a system constructed of inorganic materials that can even come anywhere close to mimicking a very lowly life form.

But do single cells have sentience ? Can it be that each "living" cell is an autonomous entity with its own sphere of influence ? As in organ transplant patients who suddenly acquire the personal quirks of their donor, one can see in micro/macro levels the effects when any collective invades a previously separate collective. An example would be invasions by any unique culture into a totally different culture which leaves impacts of their coming into contact. In our online communities, we come into contact with people of diverse cultures and lifestyle backgrounds and we are each "changed" to some degree by that interaction.

We live in amazing times. We are biological and conscious entities. There are new concepts of consciousness predicted that are a kind of quantum computer in which both states of duality exist simultaneously. As there is an uncertainty therefore of the expressed quantum position of one side or another of duality and as there has been proven some effect of observation upon what is expressed, can it really be said that our thinking about something controls what is expressed ? The working theory of metaphysics is that our consciousness has an ability to have some impact even if it does not have individually any total control over the outcome because there are many other non-personal factors that come into play. This is what metaphysicians test out every day as we live out the lifetime allotted to us in physically manifested reality.

As a Gemini I have always been intrigued by the idea of having twins but I don't think I really wanted to care for twins. My heart says to me that there was only one soul wanting to come through at the time I conceived my oldest son. Although there were 2 forms available for expression, only one came to fruition. And as the incubation chamber for another human life form I was conscious of only desiring one infant to nurture. I am grateful there was only one baby born to me in that pregnancy. I believe human expression is on the cusp of an interesting breakpoint in the cycle of reproducing bodies for our souls to inhabit. There is a moral decision to be made about how many living people the planet can sustain and how best to control the population level. I don't have any solutions as I write this essay but I do know that Life tends towards prolific procreation. I see that all around me each spring and summer.

~ perspective

The reality of physical existence is
the continual destruction of forms
and living forms overcome the effects
of such destruction by a frenzy of
In the interest of sustainability,
humans must come to terms and
balance our intentional creation of
new forms, children, with the
resources available to us.
A child is an expression of love
and a spiritual pathway for the
development of character.
Having or not having children must
be a personal decision made with
awareness and intention for the
good of humanity going forward.
I don't think everyone on this
planet was intended to be a parent
but that it's a choice and we each
need to take responsibility for
whatever choice we make with that

#biology #conception #creation #death #family #individuality #life #memories #reality #sentience 

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