November 20 - Why Incurable Isn't Possible

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The I in illness is isolation,
And the crucial letters in
wellness are we.

~ Mimi Guarneri,
The Heart Speaks

I see the perfect; there is
nothing else to see, and no
suggestion of otherness can
enter my thought. I know
only the perfect and the
complete. I am perfect and
whole, now.

~ Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes explains that the root definition of cured is "cared for". Doesn't that just feel marvelous ? Cared for. Is there not a desire within most of us to be cared for ? To matter. For our existence to have meaning beyond breathing, eating, sleeping, etc. Holmes defined incurable to mean "not sensitive to care". He makes a point that "as long as any cell is alive it is sensitive to care, which means that as long as a person is alive, the cells of the body respond to care." He says, "Naturally, they are not being cured if they are not being properly cared for." In truth, our failures to cure are the result of not knowing how to "properly care" for the person or cells afflicted.

As more becomes known about the inter-relationships of body, mind and spirit – there will be expanded understandings of how to care for. Where disease is impacted by a particular state of mind, we can know that thought is constantly changing, forever taking on new ways of expression. Whether it is "This too will pass" or "Change is constant", we can remind ourselves of the truth embodied in these concepts. Nothing is permanent in this incarnated life. Sometimes dying IS the most expedient way for us to change a condition to a better state, instead of a worsening state.

Have you ever wondered what you can say to someone experiencing an illness ? Have you ever reflected on how isolating and lonely being ill can be ? Have you considered how sitting alongside another brings a "we" into the equation as a reminder of the first 2 letters in wellness. I am "cared for" and therefore not alone. Just letting a person who is facing a health challenge know that someone actually cares about their healing process can shift the energy in a positive direction.

Consider also that everything is energy including the human body due to the molecules and atoms of which we are made. In that sense we are the same swirling energy of which the stars and planets are also made. Certainly our emotions and our mental processes are clearly energy. The complications of illness make our life paths more difficult and often impede our ability to move forward in beneficial ways. Unless one has been dragged down too low by the impacts of illness, wanting to move out of that experience is itself a great motivation. Succumbing to illness is like losing one's way back to health.

Our presence, our caring for another, can lend a new energetic quality to another life that has been depleted by the cares and worries, by the pain or from suffering, even suffering that is meant to encourage our wellness to ultimately emerge. If dis-ease is a disruption of ease, then the nature of Life is that sometimes it is inevitable that we experience injuries and traumas. Such traumas can be life-events – the death of a loved one or not being acknowledged through a promotion in our workplace. These have an impact on the vibrational quality of our beings. It is possible to also experience the accumulation of these impacts to the point they are chronically expressed as depression or anger and eventually physical illness.

There is a living force within each of us and every other living thing. Once caught in a downward spiral the result may be a self-sustaining or rippling effect of tiredness, weakness and a general sense of unwellness. Physical ailments often take advantage of the conducive state accepted by the body and expressed as manifestations of colds, flu or other such "opportunistic" infections. Each of us that is currently in a state of wellness, with a clear awareness of the energetic nature of beingness, can in effect jump-start the energy of another person by a pure caring for (not the same as encouraging illness by sympathetic resonance), helping them to shift back into a beneficial trajectory where healing will be encouraged and supported. As moving forward is the natural state for energy, the outcome becomes a natural course of progression towards greater well being.

~ perspective

I am at peace with my past
and release whatever needs
letting go of by forgiving,
allowing my life to move
forward towards a condition
of renewed well-being.
I care for my body, my mental
atmosphere and my spirit's
yearnings, I take time out for
my own needs and give myself
the space necessary to realign
my own energies.
My body is amazing and so I
care for it – in order to show
respect for my body I make
wise choices with the foods I
eat and remember to drink
plenty of water.
I find myself drawn to physical
exercise simply because my
energetic body enjoys moving.
It is my choice to be happy and
I realize that happiness carries
a positive energy along with it.

#body #care #cure #death #disease #energy #healing #isolation #mind #shift

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