December 28 - Clearing Out the Old Down to Basics

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Hope. Smiles from the threshold
of the year to come, Whispering
"it will be happier"...

~ Alfred Tennyson

I am resolved to see the good
in everyone and in every event.

~ Ernest Holmes

It's that time of year when we are naturally drawn to review the year we've just about completed. We also wish to begin the New Year well. Throughout my lifetime, whether it was driving an 18-wheel truck to a unloading destination or managing the progress of a business project, I've long noted that what begins "bumpy" generally bumps along to a greater or lesser extent all the way to its completion. What begins smoothly and effortlessly often continues that way to its completion. Therefore it is desirable to do whatever it is that is in our personal power to have the year begin well.

Most of us can easily count our stand out blessings. It may also not be all that difficult to remember a few moments that definitely were "down". Reflecting on our personal disappointments and struggles can teach us a bit more about ourselves, our resiliency, our ability to persist in the presence of difficulties and our ability to come out on the other side of our challenges than all the easy blessings though we can be truly grateful for the easy stuff. Being grateful for the "hard stuff" may take a bit more life experience, perspective and maturity.

When we are able to make some truly tough choices and discover in the process a clearer sense of our authenticity and the satisfaction of being true to who we are the decisions – whether the outcomes were pleasant or not – are easier to live with. I believe that this year-end looking back is an important step in clearing out old energies, letting go of the disappointments that are never going to turn around in the other direction and preparing ourselves to face the New Year a bit "new" within ourselves as well. We make space within our core self for new experiences, new trajectories and new opportunities to unfold upon the pathways of our life. We are open and receptive for something new to come in and fill the waiting arms of the spaciousness we have created.

As part of this process it is good to consider any changes that you made during the past year that have worked out particularly well for you. Are there aspects that you tried unsuccessfully to address and that you need to reconsider – either trying some alternative or letting it go ? Where do you want to find yourself one year from now ? For the last several years I have created a list for myself in January of "Wishes, Resolutions and Goals". Just before I create the "new" list I review the previous year's list. During the year, I don't even look at it. These are like more concrete "intentions" than a passing thought because I have bothered to write them down on paper. I am always a bit pleased with what is actually accomplished and sometimes (though sometimes not) surprised at what was not accomplished.

Wishes are things that I would like to manifest. Often these are a bit "out there", beyond what I really think I can make happen but genuinely what I would like to happen. One of those "wishes" I came closer to seeing become "real" than I would have expected but I made a "less selfish" choice and I don't regret it even though that prevented the manifestation of my wish at this time. Still the circumstances on that particular one came so close that I knew that this heartfelt wish of mine came close to manifesting itself in solid reality. Even realizing that felt like a happy outcome to my heart. Resolutions are behaviors, attributes and practices that I want to change or do differently. I think I did pretty good at making enough "progress" on those that I felt their "work" within me during the last year.

Goals are perhaps the easiest for me personally. I've always done well with "goals". I had 9 of those. I made "good" progress on 4. Really no progress on 3 and some progress on the other 2. Not bad. Having this "list" gives me a method of review and taking stock regarding the previous year. As I turn my attention towards a "new" list for the coming year I can consider what Wishes I no longer have and which endure. What behaviors, etc I would like to continue to work on and any "new" ones that have arrived into my consciousness during the past year. I can set totally "new" goals plus consider those that I made no progress on and whether or not to keep them. Maybe they were not so "important" after all. Those that I made "some" progress on I may wish to continue working towards their completion.

~ perspectives

I know that the success of any
resolutions that I make at the
beginning of a new year depend
mostly upon how much I believe
that they can succeed.
I like the resolution that encourages
me to "be there" more often for
other people but reminds me not to
overwhelm my own needs.
I chose realistic wishes, goals and
resolutions so that I can carry
through with them and not have only
a passing flight of fancy.
My body may be weak but my soul
has every strength necessary to
the living of this life including
wisdom and an ability to be happy.
Having a life is not a promise of
ease or comfort yet life is worth
its dangers, the difficulty of
doing work and the need at times
to be firm.

#accomplishments #beginnings #challenges #difficulty #disappointments #gratitude #intention #lessons #maturity #perspective 

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