December 23 - What Comes Next

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To be fully seen by somebody,
then, and be loved anyhow –
this is a human offering
that can border on miraculous.

~ Elizabeth Gilbert, From Committed:
A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

When we use the word 'God' or
'Spirit' we do not mean a tribal
God, but the Supreme Mind and
Power back of all created form,
the Intelligence which responds
to us, the Intelligence which rises
through the mineral, vegetable,
and animal kingdoms, and blossoms
in the human mind as it approaches
the conscious recognition that it
is one with the Oversoul....The
nature of man's being is God.

~ Ernest Holmes

When I became pregnant with my oldest son a friend likened the journey I was embarking upon to marriage – the pregnancy was the engagement. The birth was the wedding. The nursing time was the honeymoon but the commitment was for a lifetime. Yet being a parent is a more definite commitment than marriage for not all marriages last a lifetime. At least in my experience 2 of my 3 long term romantic relationships were not lasting. Once one has a child, regardless of the fates of life, it is a forever thing until parent or child die. Even then some of us believe that death is not the end of a mother/child bond.

So it is with the re-birth of Love and the evolution of the Universal Human that has come with the beginning of the Age of Aquarius and the new long-count cycle. We have only just begun but we are the ones we have been waiting for. Despite many protestations to the contrary, no savior or extraterrestial has dropped down on us from the sky to bring us redemption or salvation – as yet. We must do the work for ourselves. We didn't get an excuse to check out because the world did not end on December 21st in 2012. So what's next ?

During the "Birth 2012" gala at Michael Beckwith's Agape in Los Angeles on Saturday, December 22nd in 2012 – Barbara Marx Hubbard said something which may forever change my perspective on population increase. She said that the population had to reach the level that we are at in 2012 for there to be enough of us already awakened to super-charge the quantum leap humanity is now embarked upon. And have no doubts about it – the illuminaries that turned out for that event are ALL committed to a world that works for EVERY one and not only for some elite segment of people. They are committed to seeing that all people have shelter, clothing, food and water – at the very least. There is a deep desire for all people have the freedom of self-discovery and personal growth that will take humanity to the next level. And there were no illusions among the evolutionary leaders there assembled – eloquently shared by Marianne Williamson that there will still be challenges ahead and we will have to be very courageous in standing up to the challenges from a faith that our convictions are good ones.

LOVE was the theme for that moment in time and my heart rejoices at the conceptual choice. We are consciously aligning ourselves with the power of the Infinite. We are the bridge between the infinite possibilities that we sense in our inner world and the physical manifestation in the outer world around us. We do not pray pleading and beseeching. We establish what our hearts have revealed to us as already possible and such a trajectory has already been created in Divine Mind. We are not only metaphysically attempting to create something – no – we are knowing that what we are sensing is already in the process of actual manifestation.

So during that sacred gathering of souls in 2012, some of us who were alive on the planet at the time were active and intentional participants in an "experience". Some of us were aware and consciously participating in what we believed to be a planting of seeds in human consciousness that are even now germinating in the powerful soil of the Divine Creative Source in the field of Life on this planet. We have released the highest and best of our hopes for all beings to experience as the future unfolds itself for all of us. We each have a deep expectancy that our efforts will be fruitful. We know that as a collective will we are one impulse, one desire and that it is a very good one. We know that because the world did not end on December 21 2012, we are already the answered prayer for humanity's quantum leap into the possible.

Come out, come out, wherever you are. Wake up for everything is possible now - if we only believe that it is. We have made the stupendous discovery that it is what is inside of the best of us that emerges from the Universal womb of creation. The world did not end on December 21st, even though there were many who believed that it "might". It didn't end because we as a species do not truly want cataclysm or chaos or destruction - even though we may fear that. Those who intend only the highest and best and sincerely believe that it is possible for humans to become that – we won that battle between the destructive and the creative but there was no real battle because making way for the new by eliminating the obsolete and worn out is simply Nature's way of bringing us into the next best yet to be.

~ perspective

We are not in the old world any
longer and so we must be over the
rainbow now and in the new world.
I am ready and willing to give all that
I am to the emerging new realities.
I know that what is possible can be
what is actual and I hold the vision
of what is to come in my heart of
hearts residing as the Heart Divine
It is a new day and I am happy for
that as truly there is no disappointment
in me related to any misinterpreted
prophecies or sad beliefs that a part of
humanity is a mistake to be eliminated.
I am ready, willing and able to do
my part in the evolving of humanity
each and every day.

#awakening #bridge #collective #evolution #expectations #freedom #journey #love #possibilities #responsibility 

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