December 30 - Projecting The Future

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The future is home to your hopes and
dreams. These hopes and dreams are
the lines you cast into the future.
Through faith and consistent effort,
you use them to pull yourself toward
that future.

~ Petra Weldes & Christian Sorensen,
Joyous Freedom Journal for a Fuller Life

A "demonstration" is made when the
thing is accomplished which the one
treating desires to achieve ... whether
it be health, happiness, or abundance.

~ Ernest Holmes

There are two ways to live a life. One is from the outside reacting to events as they happen. The other one is to live from the inside out. Connecting with our passion or with what is alive within us and projecting our pathway through life going forward with some direction involved. Though we don't fully control how things happen, we can simply take the next logical, physical step we can discern for ourselves that supports where we are headed. In other words we do not set our intention and then wait for it to happen to us. We set our intention and then move in the direction of it. What we find is that all manner of fortunate circumstances unfold from life's everyday events to meet us. This is because Life is supportive of and benevolent towards Itself and each of us are some part of that wholeness of Life expressing Itself in individualized parts.

The metaphysician lives proactively. Sometimes we find that what we have demonstrated has a few perceptible flaws in it. It is not that Source is flawed in what it produces but that we are often internally conflicted about what we think we want. When I have had these kinds of outcomes, I am usually able to quickly know what it was inside of me that sourced that outcome. Often however the benevolence of life is such that it betters my vision. In fact it is best to be as simple as possible and leave lots of wiggle room for Source to amaze us. Many practitioners add a caveat at the end of their treatment work declaring "This, or something better."

All work is done from the center of the self. Certainly we can pray for other people and to the degree our prayer matches that person's innermost desires it can make a difference, clarifying the energy and making smoother the pathways. We cannot change someone else's will. We can pray that they become wiser, more responsible or enlightened but even so the final outcome of prayers for other people are determined subjectively by that person. Praying for ourselves, not a beseeching prayer from lack or victimization, but a prayer for all those factors beyond our personal control to line up in our favor, to make smooth and straight our own pathway, can be some of the most powerful and effective spiritual work we can do on our own behalf.

Our inner non-visible "work" is how the Future is projected out for us from the present circumstances. It is not that there won't be "a future" if we don't do this. As long as we breathe and our heart beats, the future will become present for us. However we have the ability built into our beingness to make choices about the kind of future that we would like to experience and then cooperate with Life as it unfolds in that general direction for us. We can choose otherwise to experience Life as a mystery and surprise and move forward on a kind of autopilot still being projected for us from our soul. For the most part how we choose to approach the future is a choice left entirely to our personal preference.

In my Life Visioning work (a weekly guided meditation via cd developed by the Rev Michael Beckwith for laying out our path into the future through what he calls a transformational process and that is what I have experienced using his method) just before New Year's this year I found a strong energetic trend related to my writing. Though writing has long been a part of my life visioning meditations, it was much more specific and precise and a stronger unfolding energy now than in years past. I once discovered such a trend emerging for my attendance at a spirituality conference in Chicago. There were two more subsequent indications and ultimately I did attend that conference and the energies I was immersed in there had a lasting effect on my subsequent life path.

So I know that if I ever grow weary of sitting in my own driver's seat, it would be just as acceptable to sit in the passenger seat and allow Spirit to do the driving (go on autopilot). Actually Spirit always does the driving anyway but the real difference is whether I chose to participate and choose a destination for my own self or allow my Soul or Spirit to do that for me. Both of these are valid choices and each has its own joys, delights, lessons and experiences. I like projecting my own self into a future that I have had a conscious awareness of choosing or a destination I choose to move in the direction of. Someday I may prefer to simply experience the mystery and surprise of not doing my own navigation. There are no wrong nor right choices actually, just decisions that we personally make along the way.

~ perspective

I try not to over-analyze or
stress too much while at the
same time I just take the next
step forward in the direction
most genuine within me and my
deepest desires for expression.
Sometimes we realize that the
people who have been in our life
no longer fit the expanded version
of person we've become and we
have to let them go in order to
fly on the wings we've unfolded.
Sometimes a place that we find
ourselves living from becomes
hard and it takes all that we can
muster up from within to continue on.
One of the more enduring relationships
we have is with those who share our
blood and genes even though at times
we can find no commonality with them and
have very little interaction with them.
I am the captain of the ship of my
life and the sovereign of my physical
self regardless of whatever else is

#action #choice #conflict #flaws #intention #lessons #metaphysics #mystery #outcome #surprises 

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