Chapter One

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Hello to the people who have somehow found this! This is my first fanfic, so feel free to leave comments on things I can do better, including with translations, since Google Translator isn't really that accurate. Translations are at the bottom of the page.

Anyways, enjoy!

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep-

America let out a groan of annoyance as he slapped the top of his alarm clock. It was time to get started with his day. And by "start", that meant "time to stop doing work, go downstairs, and start breakfast".

"I thought I had more time," he muttered disappointedly, rubbing his face tiredly.

America stood up and stretched, popping his joints. After letting out a satisfied hum, he put his sunglasses on his face, made his way downstairs, got food out of the fridge, and started cooking. He hummed as he worked in the kitchen, making breakfast for the crowd that was going to come down eventually.

Midway through making breakfast, two shadowy figures came into America's line of sight. Unbothered by their presence, he simply smiled and said, "Morning, Louisiana. Morning, Georgia."

The older states gave their own sleepy greetings before making their way into the kitchen. They were always amongst the first few states to wake up since they both enjoyed cooking so much, and since always up early, they might as well do something, right?

"Whut'cha makin', Dad?" Louisiana asked.

America looked up from the almost comically-large mixing bowl he was using for a second to smile at his daughters before looking back down at his work. "I was in the middle of making pancakes. Canada's recipe, of course."

"Uncle Nada's pancakes?" Georgia asked, smiling a little. "Is it 'cause he's gonna swing by later today with Phil?"

America chuckled sheepishly as he walked over to the stove. "That might've influenced my decision a lil' bit," he answered, his southern drawl making an appearance due to talking to the two southern states. He looked at Louisiana and Georgia and crossed his arms. "By the way, shouldn't you two be resting? Especially you, Louise."

"Neither of us could sleep," Louisiana sighed sadly.

Georgia nodded. "New York kept coughing and so was Jersey."

America nodded. "Now, are you sure you two wanna help? You could get some sleep before the others wake up."

Georgia gave him a determined smile. "We'll be fine, Dad."

Knowing there was absolutely nothing he could do, America held his hand out toward the sink. "Alright, let's get cooking."

Satisfied with the answers they were given, Louisiana and Georgia washed their hands and helped America with breakfast. As they cooked, more people started to trickle in, the volume of the once-quiet downstairs now elevating slightly to quiet chatter, just as it always did in the mornings.

"Aloha, makuakāne," America's youngest daughter, Hawaii, greeted him, dragging Alaska into the kitchen behind her.

"Aloha, Hawaii," he chuckled. "Good morning, Alaska."

"Привет, Отец," America's much-taller son returned.

"Sleep well?"

"Да." Alaska yawned as he slid the step-stool to Hawaii. "And you?"

"I slept well."

America heard someone sniff loudly. "Ah, I smell cap," he heard California point out.

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