When I first came to know about this, I felt despair.

Thinking that the love that I received from the Duke wasn't meant for me from the very start made me feel betrayed.

Because little did I know that the happiness that I had with my so-called father were all false.

And that everything was just a lie for the Duke's self-satisfaction.

But now, I started to think that it was a good choice to know the truth. Because if I still didn't accept it after a very, very long time, I would be no different than the Duke that fled from reality.

I truthfully don't want to be in the same group as him.

And longing for a false hope won't do a thing for me...

"Thank you, Duchess.", I said, smiling.

Then perceiving my gratitude, the Duchess was lost of words.

Though she might not comprehend what I thanked her for, I wanted to express that phrase to her since she woke me up from that bitter dream. And it was all thanks to her mercy.

Soon after that, I gave her a proper reply about what she asked just earlier.

"The late daughter of Duke Shevaria.", I uttered to the the Duchess that looked astonished after she heard what I said.

"I already know, Duchess. About Sherryl, the Duke's affair, and his true purpose for adopting me."

"Despite a person with no background, you seem to know a lot.", she responded, being racist yet honest.

"From whom did you hear these information? Is it perhaps from the rumors of the attendants again?"

"I wonder. I will have to leave that to your supposition, Duchess.", I wisely answered.

It's not like she'd believe me when I say that I came back in time, anyway.

With a portion of suspicion that was written on the Duchess' eyes, she stared at me while I never budged as I faced her head on, smiling.

"You're a rare one. And quite remarkable, at that."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Thereafter, the Duchess had a smirk and rose from her seat, not long after our chattering.

And as she walked away while I gazed at her, with her back facing my way, she said,

"Accompany me again sometime, young miss. Have a good day.", she bid to the me that pondered if the plan to make her my confederate has end up to be a success or a failure.

It's a success, right? She even told me to meet up with her again, so it should be!............... Probably. I unsurely concluded.

"Phew.", I sighed out of relief and tiredness at the same time, while I sat on my bed.

After I spent my time at the library, I came back to my room to take a rest from what I went through.

I still have an appointment with the Duke later on..... I kinda don't feel like going.

While I had that in mind, I thought,

Life sure is tiring....

*Click* The door has opened.

"The Duke awaits for you at the garden, young lady."

Without even looking at the person that made his appearance at the entrance, I could tell who he was based from his voice.

It was the old geezer* (Butler Giles).

As soon as I heard what he just said, I had a face that looked like it said, 'So soon?!' while being annoyed.

Then, I furrowed my brows as if I was troubled whether I should really go or not.

And after a short while of hesitations, a bulb popped out of my head, expressing that I thought of a good idea.

As such, I had an evil smile.

"Tell the Duke that I don't want to see him.", I commanded while I performed like I was throwing a fit.

"...........Pardon?", Giles phrased with a conflicted expression.

"I said tell the Duke that I don't want to see him! And don't you dare miss a single word!!"

After dealing with my stubbornness, the Butler excused himself while he looked like he was holding in his true emotions.

Then once the door shut itself, I murmured, snickering.

"Fufufu~ Let me play with you today, old man.~"

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now